The Wolf Prince's Fated Heart - Page 55

Makayla gives me an odd look. “Are you alright? Do you want the slice of chocolate cake I brought this morning? I left it in the staff room downstairs.”
“Maybe later. In the meantime, I’ll take that painkiller,” I say, and to my amazement she starts searching through her purse. All this mess is going to give me a migraine.
“Here you go,” she says and passes me two Ibuprofens.
When she leaves, I spend the next few hours looking through the employees’ computer history for any sign of suspicious movement. It’s painfully monotonous. Most of them do their job and that’s it. But there are some special cases who like to take a break and watch cat videos on their work computers. It’s against the company’s policy, but I’m not going to fire them for it.
In the late afternoon, I still can’t believe I wasted such a significant amount of time on something so basic and useless. It’s slow work, but it has to be done. Since I’m the only one besides Graham who knows about what’s going on, it’s up to me to do the boring groundwork.
Thinking about Graham tightens a knot in my stomach. Despite my infuriating anger, I have to get in touch with him to confirm that we’re still on to meet up in his office.
My finger hovers over Graham’s name on my phone’s screen for a brief moment. It’s then that my stubbornness wins, and I put it down.
Damn it. I’m so conflicted. My rational mind tells me I should be mad at him for fucking me senseless before diving into my personal life, invading my home, searching for secrets, and then having the audacity to be so nonchalant about it all. But my irrational part screams for more even though that asshole made me do the walk of shame in my own home.
I guess I’ll have to get used to it though.
That’s what I get for jumping between the sheets with my boss.
“Fuck,” I mutter under my breath and press the dial button.
He picks up after the third ring.
“Cassidy,” he says.
God. His voice sends a jolt of warmth to my core, making it clench in response.
“I just wanted to clarify whether our meeting is still on,” I say.
“Don’t be late,” he replies. “I had to go to The Grey Manor, but I’ll be back on time.”
“Why aren’t you in the office?” I ask, the question slipping out before I can stop myself.
“There’s been a small development,” he replies, sounding enigmatic. “I’ll update you later.”
My heart skips a beat. Something tells me there is a catch in that “small development.” He’s already made a few steps forward without telling me about them. This puts me at a disadvantage. Has he decided not to trust me?
“Graham, I—”
“I’ll see you tonight,” he says, promptly cutting me off before ending the call.
Of course, he had to have the last word.
“Arrogant prick,” I mutter as I set the phone down.
With a sigh, I return back to my tedious job, trying to get the rest of my department off the list of suspects. Out of two hundred people or so, I’ve already been through thirty-five. It’s not too bad for one person to do, but it’s also not ideal, considering that lives are on the line.
It’s an uphill battle. I feel like every file that I review helps to eliminate one more employee from the pool of possible suspects. However, I can’t be entirely sure, and this process is much like sifting for gold.
A chilling thought occurs to me. What if the leak isn’t coming from my department? Will I have to sort out through the entire Grey Enterprises network to lock down the suspect?
I hope not.
Either way, there’s nothing else for me to do but push through it. I take another sip of coffee and return my focus back to my computer screen. I want to get through another batch of files before I have to report to Graham’s office.