The Wolf Prince's Fated Heart - Page 67

“Jason White,” Cassidy reads out loud. “Thirty-six years old. Marine. Dishonorable discharge.”
Her breath catches. She realizes what this means.
“We stop him, we end the killings,” I confirm, not even able to celebrate the victory of gaining knowledge. The sooner we find out who the radicals are, the sooner we’ll be able to destroy them all.
“I don’t think the others will be all that easy to pick up,” Cassidy muses.
“They will,” I assure her. “All we need to do is keep an eye on Jason, follow his movements, and analyze the faces of the people he’s met with prior to the attacks. Let’s assume that the planning took several months, so we should look back at least three months before the first attack.”
“Makes sense,” she agrees. “Should we divide and conquer?”
I scratch my chin, taking a moment to think it through.
“Our priority should still be trying to identify the leak,” I say, thinking out loud. “We should find a way to link Jason to someone inside Grey Enterprises.”
“I can set up new parameters to search through Jason’s videos and see if we can put him in the same spot with any of the workers,” Cassidy suggests.
“Yes, do that,” I agree, nodding my head. “I’ll make some calls to get more information on Jason. Hopefully, I can get his phone number. With that, I can track him through his digital footprint.”
I turn to the other computer and take a look at my emails while Cassidy pulls up the task on her machine. For now, the excitement of this new development fades away and leaves an empty feeling.
Jasmine White was a dead end. She moved her coven to India to add other culture’s practices on top of their own knowledge and only left the country for the coven gatherings. As far as I can tell, she never raised a son, but I doubt that Jason would be lying about that.
It’s possible that he was raised by his father in the States, my wolf suggests.
We’ll know more once we capture Jason, I reply, not wanting to dive deep into this mystery hole when Jason should be stopped.
“This could take a while,” Cassidy mutters. “You have too many people working for you.”
“And too many outside contractors,” I agree with a humorless chuckle. “Maybe we should let the program run its course while we get some sleep.”
She nods. “I definitely need a break.”
“Come with me,” I say and lead her out of the office.
“Where are we going?” she asks when we pass the elevators.
Are you sure about this? my wolf asks. We’ve never taken anyone there.
There’s always a first time, I mutter back. Besides, I think she’s earned it.
“You have to promise me not to mention to anyone what I’m about to show you,” I warn her when we reach what looks like the office storage door except for the keypad on the wall accompanied with a fingerprint and retina scan.
“I promise,” she says, her green eyes wide.
Graham, my wolf warns, giving me another chance to change my mind. I don’t.
Covering the keypad with my body, I punch in the code, followed by scanning my right thumb and finishing with both retinas. The door beeps and opens, revealing a steep set of stairs.
“Is that the entrance to the roof?” she asks in wonder.
“Not exactly,” I reply. “Everyone thinks the building has fifty floors because it says so in the elevator. But if anyone ever bothered to count the windows from the outside, they’d see that there are fifty-one floors.”
Cassidy stares at me, her head tilted in question.
“Go up and see for yourself,” I offer with a small smile.
She climbs up the stairs and I follow close behind, letting the door close after me. The security locks reactivate and make the whole door impenetrable. Despite its weak appearance, even a wolf would have a lot of problems getting through. Helia used her powers to help me fortify the defenses around the entrance to my home.