The Wolf Prince's Fated Heart - Page 95

My phone rings and I jump for it but deflate once I realize it’s Garren calling. I scowl, wishing it was Cassie.
“Tiana got in touch,” he tells me instead of saying hi. “Jason has your girl.”
My stomach clenches, and the need to shift and start looking for Cassie blares through my mind.
“Where are they?” I ask, my breathing shallow.
“Not sure yet,” Garren says. “You better come to the Grey Manor. Everybody’s on their way to discuss our next step.”
I grunt my response and get off the phone, not bothering to say goodbye. My hands are already balled into fists, I put my head in my hands, despair taking over. I wanted to keep Cassie safe, but I failed. It’s my fault she ended up in the center of everything.
That’s not true, my wolf argues. Tim put her in danger first.
Fucking Tim, I growl. I’m going to tear him apart.
I go to the elevator and use my key to go straight to the underground garage. It’s a habit of being careful that’s guiding me right now. If I’d let my instincts take over, I’d shift in my office and run past the full hallway of my employees to search for Cassie.
Instead, I take the elevator into the underground area, where I finally allow my wolf to take the reins. With a shift as brutal as ever, I stand in front of my Nissan as he guides my body out of the building.
We use our ability to wield darkness to make the shadows darker. Some distant part of me is aware that the humans will find this weird, but right now I don’t care. Garren’s PR team will plant a story about how a wolf has escaped from a zoo or something. I need to find her, and this is the fastest way.
Try to focus on the bond, my wolf tells me while he takes us to the Grey Manor.
Giving him full control of our body, I close my eyes and do as he says. Through the bond, I feel something. It’s a sudden rush of fear and heartache, and she’s crying, but then that’s drowned out by a sense of calm and reassurance.
It’s faint because she’s human, but it’s enough for me to know she’s okay. It also gives me enough information to further anger me, pouring fuel on my desire to kill Jason. He put her in such a vulnerable position to endanger my mate!
What did I say about losing control? My wolf reminds me, being the calm one for once.
I appreciate it because I’m going mental right now. Somehow, we always find ways to be what the other needs. Right now, I need a strong and cold pillar for me to lean on while I rage.
Fine, I give in, a bit annoyed he has to tell me that.
Our sharp claws grip the tarmac tightly as we navigate the alleys and the streets of New York. We speed up, wanting to get to the manor faster. We’re eager to get more news about Cassie. If she isn’t hurt now, she’s okay.
But the state of mind won’t last if Jason has his way. Who knows how much time it’ll take us to find her?
This can’t be happening; I try to convince myself. I have to find out what Tiana told Garren. Maybe he already knows Cassie’s location.
I make myself run even harder. I won’t forgive myself if Cassie gets hurt. How could I lose her right after gaining her?
In my wolf form, I run past the guards at Grey Manor. They recognize me and know to stay out of my way. The main hall is empty, but I can smell them up the stairs. They must already be in the conference room.
Still in my wolf form, I dive through the doors. I skid to a stop, my eyes taking them all in—Garren, Alyssa, Gavin, Leia, Grayden, and Helia. They’re all here except Cassie.
“Fucking hell, Graham,” Garren mutters. “Get a grip on yourself.”
“His mate is missing,” Leia replies. “By my standards, he’s surprisingly calm.”
Alyssa steps out of the conference room and calls, “We need a set of clothes for Graham. Now!”
One of the maids arrives quickly. Although she looks frightened, she doesn’t let that distract her. She sets the clothes on the floor before stepping outside.
Alyssa closes the door behind her and returns to the table. I encourage my wolf to let me out and concentrate on the scene in front of me. I want to be clear minded to absorb all the information. This could save Cassie.
“So, the real question is,” Grayden says the moment I change back. They’re all looking away from me to give me a semblance of privacy. It doesn’t matter much because we’re used to shifting in front of each other, therefore exposing our bodies to one another. “Why does Jason want her?”
“That should be pretty obvious,” Gavin frowns. “She has access to all of F-Rec’s database. He can access it to cover his tracks, and we won’t ever find him.”