Third Debt (Indebted 4) - Page 61

“Nooooooooo!” I threw myself beside him, shaking him, begging him. “Jethro. Please, open your eyes!”
Daniel laughed. Bonnie stared. Jasmine screamed.
And through it all, Cut said nothing.
I could barely stay in one piece. My body wanted to dissolve into a billion fractals and float away in despair. I trembled so badly, it took two attempts to roll Jethro onto his back.
His eyes were closed, lips slack, blood blooming from his chest like a morbid rose—petals upon petals spreading with glowing crimson.
“Jethro…” Tears gushed down my face. Breaths were non-existent as I gagged and choked on sobs. “Please, don’t leave me. Not now.”
Then I was plucked up and away, dragged further and further from my lover.
I lost awareness of my body.
I shut down.
In my mind, I still kneeled beside Jethro feeling him grow colder by the second—leaving me.
Cut appeared in my vision, his face tight and strained. I hung lifeless in Daniel’s arms, unable to comprehend what just happened.
I was numb.
I was lifeless.
I was gone.
“Listen to me, Ms. Weaver. I’m only going to say this once.” Turning me in Daniel’s arms, Cut pointed at Vaughn. My brother lay splayed on the carpet just like Jethro and Kestrel, but unlike them, he was still with me. Still alive. Still in danger.
“Your brother is a recent addition to our family. He’s what you’d call collateral.” He stroked the sulphur-smoking muzzle of his gun. “I’m sick of you not obeying and I’m sick to fucking death of pinning hopes on a son who isn’t trustworthy. There’s been a change of plans.”
Daniel held me closer. “A good change of plans.”
Cut pointed at V. “If you’re good, he lives. If you’re bad, he dies.” He shrugged. “It couldn’t be any simpler than that.”
V moaned, rousing.
I wanted to feel something, but I’d switched off. Unable to cope.
I was a brittle leaf about to turn to dust in the wind.
Cut whispered, “Jethro and Kestrel are no longer your concern. They’ve paid for their lies and stupidity. I only hope you’re smarter than they were.”
Daniel sneered. “Only the worms will be interested in them now.”
No…it can’t be true.
Bending over me, Cut cast both Daniel and me in his monstrous shadow. “You should keep that in mind. I won’t hesitate to hurt you, Ms. Weaver. Think how easily I dispatched my sinning sons.” His face shadowed. “I would be afraid if I were you. Afraid and highly obedient.”
Cupping my chin, he pressed a dry kiss on my mouth.
My innards shrunk and died.
Jasmine’s sobs were background noise. V’s curses nothing more than a hum.
I’d just lost everything in a few short minutes.
He’s just lying there.
Get up, Jethro. Please, get up.
Cut ran his gun over my jaw. “Say hello to my new heir, Nila.”
No, he can’t mean…
Daniel jiggled me in his arms, never letting me go. He cupped my breasts with harsh fingers. “Be polite, whore. Say hello.”
I clamped my lips together.
I kept staring at Jethro, begging for this to be some terrible mistake.
“Along with inheriting my power, my fortune, and my title, Daniel has acquired the Debt Inheritance’s responsibility.” Cut placed himself in front of me, blocking Jethro’s bleeding body.
Every word made me crave a bullet. I wanted to end it. I wanted to chase Jethro to the underworld and leave everything behind.
There’s nothing left. Not anymore.
Bonnie shuffled forward, her cane sinking into the carpet. “We’ve all agreed to nominate a new master. If Daniel carries out the remainder of the tasks, he will take over my son’s position before his thirtieth.”
She came closer, bringing the stench of death with her. Her hazel eyes flashed, red lips spread in a victory grin. “When you left two months ago, I knew something special would have to be done upon your return. No one makes a mockery of my house like your family has done without paying a serious price. Consider this the beginning of a bigger debt. You owe us for the inconvenience your brother caused.”
Cut laughed, pressing cold fingers beneath my chin, angling my face to his. “Understand, Ms. Weaver, Daniel will carry out the Final Debt. And if he does, as I trust he will, everything goes to him. And unlike my previous sons, he will not disappoint me.” Placing another dry kiss on my lips, he murmured, “Congratulations Ms. Weaver. You now belong to Daniel ‘Buzzard’ Hawk…
And he’s going to make your life a living fucking hell.”