Veiled Spirits - Page 75

“Yeah, I can do that. Everything’s going to be fine, though. No one saw us on Friday.” I pull on my magic that connects me to Aggie.
Aggie poofs into the room with a confused expression on her face. She looks around and lets out a small squeak when she sees Levi. “Kid, why’d you pull me to tall, dark, and scary’s office?”
I snort. “He’s not that scary, Aggie. I’m at least fifty-four-percent positive he won’t hurt you.”
“That’s not reassuring, kid!”
“Simmer down, ghost. Little raven likes you. I’m not a danger to you, as long as you stay on her good side. If you hurt her? Well, now, that’s a different story.” Levi lets the red rings consume his irises as he threatens Aggie. It’s unnecessary but also kind of sweet.
Aggie just stares at Levi in horror, making me chuckle. “You’ll be fine, Aggie. Moving on, are you okay with following me to class? The boys are worried something’s going to happen today, so demon boy wants you to follow me around.” I don’t know what has them so worried. I’ve done a ton of illegal things and haven’t gotten caught.
After tearing her gaze from Levi, Aggie processes what I said. “It’ll be boring, but I can do that.”
“Cool. I’ve really got to get to class. Moore will flip his shit if I’m late.” I give Levi a hug before walking out of his office because I’m apparently the type that gives out hugs now.
The walk to the Gallagher building and the first part of Moore’s advanced magic class are uneventful. I’m struggling not to fall asleep out of sheer boredom when the classroom door bangs open. Six council guards in full tactical armor storm into the room. All the guards have military buzz cuts, stern expressions, and are bulky by mage standards. They’re still not as muscular as my mates, though. They scan the room until every guard’s gaze lands on me, one by one.
Oh, boy. This is so not good.
I subtly look at Aggie out of the corner of my eye. She’s wearing the same oh, shit expression I probably am.
“Isabel Gallagher,” the tallest of the guards booms. “You’re under arrest.” My classmates gasp in delight at the new juicy gossip they’re about to have. I roll my eyes at them and try to tune out the quiet chatter that’s already starting up.
“For what?” I ask, genuinely confused. I’ve done a lot of illegal things since I was a teen. They really need to be specific about what they’re pissed at me for this time. Although, I’m pretty sure it’s about our activities on Friday. I wonder if they had cameras we didn’t catch or something because I’m one-hundred-percent sure no one saw us.
The tallest council dude looks me dead in the eye and says the phrase I’ve been dreading for fourteen years. “You’re under arrest for being a spirit mage.”