Villain's Rising - 12 12. Round Two Ends

“You have immortality too?” Rebekah spoke calmly.
Sam, however, could easily see through the facade she was carefully put on. She was shocked, the disbelief in her eyes was right there.
“I have many things love. Anyway, enough about me, let’s talk about you, do you have a boyfriend?” Sam leaned back on the wall and crossed his arms.
“No, I don’t have a boyfriend,” Rebekah replied, masking her confusion with a calm tone.
“I don’t usually find girls attractive, wait that came out wrong. I mean, I don’t usually find humans attractive… wait… never mind” Sam gave up on forming a perfect question with a sigh and asked directly; “I mean why not, even though you’re very attractive?”
“Maybe because all the guys who liked me in the past were creeps like you, who would barge into girls’ room without even knocking.” Rebekah closed her eyes and arched her eyebrows.
“Well I was sneaking up on you, knocking would defeat the purpose you know?” Sam shrugged casually.
“Yeah, remind me again, why were you trying to do that?” Rebekah frowned her eyebrows, trying to sound as calm as possible.
“To kill you of course silly.” Sam frowned his brows and spoke in a ‘isn’t that obvious’ tone.
“Ah I see, then in your words, die,” Rebekah spoke in a monotonous tone and instantly disappeared from his sight before appearing right in front of him, closing the distance between them in less than a split second.
Sam however saw it coming and hardened his skin to create an exoskeleton which could defend him from the incoming strike.
However, that wasn’t even nearly enough to block the full force of the punch that Rebekah threw at him.
Blood gushed out of his mouth as he violently coughed. The punch to the gut earlier has crushed his lungs. Instinctively his body began repairing the damage dealt to him.
Sam wields a power strong enough to grant him the self-proclaimed title of God. His power is without a doubt, strong.pᴀɴᴅᴀ-ɴ(0)ᴠᴇʟ.ᴄᴏᴍ
However like every other ability even his have weakness, one of them being, he can’t ever activate two of his sub-power simultaneously, he could initiate them one by one.
For example, he can create a sharp blade out of his bones and clad it in lightning later, but not together.
Thus as soon as his regeneration kicked in, his skin unhardened itself and he fell on his knees.
-Cough! Cough! Cough!
“Th-That exoskeleton should’ve been enough to take a hit from a fucking crimson bull…” Sam coughed up a mouthful of blood again before continuing, “You really are a monst-“
Before he could even finish his last sentence, a kick landed on the side of his face and cleaved it in half.
“Even immortals couldn’t regenerate if you decapitate them.” Rebekah breathed a sigh of relief and started thinking about what to tell her brother.
As she was deep in thoughts, a voice called out to her from behind.
As soon as the flaxen-haired girl heard the familiar voice, she turned around and looked at the person who called her out, it was Anthony.
“Who is that person you just killed?” Anthony asked, his eyes widen in shock and his eyebrows frowned in confusion.
“Br-Brother he was a supervillain, I swear I didn’t do it on purpose but he tried to harm me, not once but twice!” Rebekah tried to explain but she could see that her words weren’t getting through him.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Rebekah?! It’s our first day here and you’ve already made a mess?!” He yelled in a clearly furious tone.
“Brother believe me, please! I didn’t act on my impulses, he really WAS trying to kill me!” Rebekah pleaded, it was the first time since their childhood she was seeing her brother this angry. pᴀɴᴅᴀ ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ
“Impulses?” Anthony frowned in confusion before he quickly realized that he had made a mistake.
“… No you’re not my brother… Who are yo-” Before Rebekah could speak any further, she felt something stabbing her stomach.
She looked down and saw her brother’s hand, that was cladded in electricity, piercing her stomach like a sharp blade. A jolt of pain coursed through her body but she didn’t panic, putting on a strong face she tried to speak;
“Shapeshifting?… How…” Rebekah spoke in a low inaudible tone as blood gushed out of her mouth. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t mask the utter disbelief in her voice.
pAɴᴅᴀ ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ “Hmm” Sam hummed, his face was covered with an arrogant smirk.
“How… How… HOW DARE YOU?!” Rebekah screamed. Just by the sheer anger in her voice, one could guess that she won’t be playing games anymore.
Without wasting another second, Rebekah activated one of her most trusted abilities; [Heat Vision]. Her eyes glowed with vibrant red light and before Sam could even do anything, his brain was pierced by a pair of laser beams.
Sam’s lifeless body fell onto the ground. His body was still resembling Anthony but Rebekah knew better, it was definitely not her brother.
The wound on her stomach started to heal with a rapid speed. She sat down on the ground and looked around, there were two dead bodies, both of them belonged to the same person, Samael Gracefell. Although one of them was looking like her brother, Anthony Willburn a.k.a Starboy.
“Duplication? Shapeshifting? Body Manipulation? Immortality? Bio-electricity? …Who the fuck is this guy.” Rebekah took a long deep breath while mustering up the energy to get up.
“Who am I? I’m a God.”
Rebekah’s eyes widened in shock. ‘This is impossible!’ she thought, ‘How many duplicates has he prepared beforehand?! Wait…’ Her eyes grew wider as if she has realized something;
“These all abilities are just Sub-powers of your main ability.” Rebekah turned her head and looked behind. The same black-haired boy that she has killed more than thrice in a single day was standing right behind her.
“Bingo! Right answer! I must say I’m starting to like you.” Sam answered as he walked around and stood in front of Rebekah. ρꪖꪕᦔꪖꪕ(ꪫ)ꪣꫀꪶ
“But first tell me this, earlier you broke my Bio-Augmented blade hand without any ability, how did you do that? Are you even human? Also, don’t try to activate your abilities coz I can negate them, I have the same power that White Walker once possessed so, answer me honestly. How?” Sam tilted his head in curiosity.
“Fuck you.” Rebekah replied while looking Sam dead in the eyes, “I don’t know what your main ability is, but now you’ve done it.”
She activated her [Heat Vision] again. In reply, Sam quickly activated his [Ability Negation], however… it didn’t work.
Sam widened his eyes in shock. He was using White Walker’s ability so why is it not negating Rebekah’s powers? He tried to make a run for it but it was too late.
A pair of laser beams cleanly cut off his head from his neck. Sam had died on the spot. Again.
Rebekah gasped before sighing in relief.
“He tried to run, meaning he was real.” She assured herself before getting up from the ground. Her wound was healed now but she was just a little exhausted because she has never dealt with anyone like the black-haired boy she met today.
“I see…” A voice resounded in the room.
Rebekah question the absurdity of the situation as she heard the same annoying voice again.
She quickly turned her head towards the room door and saw the same black-haired boy standing there, leaning on the wall without a care in the world. His eyebrows frowned as he spoke again;
“So it was just a rumor. White Walker’s ability never worked on Starsuper. And here I thought it would give me an edge over your family.” Sam spoke in a disappointing tone.
“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU A COCKROACH?! WHY WON’T YOU JUST DIE?!” Rebekah yelled in disbelief and shock, completely shattering the strong facade she was putting on earlier.
“I told you, Rebekah. I’m a God. However, I must say, this behavior isn’t so ladylike-” Rebekah interrupted Sam with a loud cuss;
“FUCK YOU! I don’t have to deal with this!” Rebekah quickly got up from the ground and activated two of her abilities, [Flight] and [Superstrength].
She started floating while she clenched her fist. Her intention wasn’t to attack Sam, instead, it was to break out of this room through its celling because Sam was occupying the space in front of the door.
Although she could easily crush him with her strength, however, she didn’t want to go anywhere near that boy ever again. So she planned to break out of the room and inform her brother about the situation.
“Sorry love, I can’t let you escape just yet,” Sam smirked but Rebekah paid him no mind.
After all, what can he even do? She’s way stronger than him, there’s no way he could stop her… or at least that’s what she thought.
Before she could execute her escape plan, she felt her head spinning suddenly it was difficult to breathe.
With a thud sound, her previously floating body dropped to the ground. The whole world was spinning and she couldn’t focus her mind enough to activate her abilities.
“Wha… d-di… you…you do to me?”
It’s as if she was high on alcohol, she couldn’t control her muscles. It was getting to the point where even her eyes were getting out of focus.
“Honestly I’m surprised you survived this long. Just what kind of monsters are you guys? If it was just any other human, they would’ve died within seconds of being injected with that amount of enhanced botox directly in the bloodstream.” Sam spoke in a genuinely impressed tone.
“Although I didn’t need to inject it, but I didn’t want to take any chances with a monster like you.” He added while arching his eyebrows.
‘Botox? As in… Botulinum neurotoxin?… But when did he?… Ahh back then!’ Her eyes widened as she remembered. It could’ve been only when Sam took her by surprise when he disguised himself as her brother and pierced her stomach. Right then he injected the neurotoxin in her.
“I wasn’t so sure about using a neurotoxin because I once tried it on your brother while I and Medusa were fighting him but he was immune to it, not only that but rather all kinds of poison or diseases. Clichè overpowered superhero, I know right!” Sam rolled his eyes before continuing;
“But then I thought, what if I get lucky and you don’t have that trait or ability or whatever that makes him immune. And look at here! I’m lucky indeed. Not to worry though, I had a few more backup plans ready in case of this one failing.” Sam kneeled down and looked Rebekah in the eyes.
“I know this isn’t enough to kill you, after all, you’re a Willburn and I’ve seen your regeneration, it’s only slightly inferior to what I possess. So yeah, you won’t die but I’ll make sure to experiment my heart out on you.” Sam spoke with a disturbing smile.
“M-My brothe… he wi… kill y-yo-” Before Rebekah could finish, her consciousness drifted off and she fell asleep.
“Hmm” Sam frowned his eyebrows before starting to examine her. “Her state is akin to a coma, and her heart is beating once a minute, it’s like she’s hibernating.”
(She could wake up?)
“Not if we keep on injecting the enhanced neurotoxin I prepared. If we do that I think she’ll be in this sopor state.”
(Okay. One problem though, it’s almost time for the combat class, you have already skipped your Special Training, so if you’ll be there then who will be watching her?)
“Don’t worry, I have someone in mind.” Sam cracked his neck before looking down on the dead body of his duplicates and shapeshifter.
He raised his hand and the bodies on the ground were engulfed in a bright violet light. The bodies then shattered like glass and dematerialized into thin air.
“For now, however, let’s try to make this a normal college life and attend some not-so-normal classes.”
Information available on:
•The user can fly or otherwise move through the air using various methods. Some possibilities include using one or more forms of energy, wings, or similar structures, harnessing anti-gravitons, etc.
•The user can fly at high speeds without any outside influence, propel/move freely while flying without support.