Watch Me - Page 96

Fuck. There’s nothing Rachel could tell Madison that she didn’t already know, except for the fact she used to be our assistant. Though Jason brought up the recommendation, so maybe Madison already assumed.
“How are things going?” Rachel asks in a bright voice. Her green eyes lock on me. “Are you all dating anyone?”
Madison coughs lightly. Jason’s brow furrows as he looks at Rachel. Not exactly an appropriate conversation for a business lunch.
“Not at the moment.” I finish my drink and pay the bill. Time to go.
“I can’t believe not one of you has a woman in your life.” Rachel smiles. “You’re all so handsome. You must have women falling all over you.”
Jason glances at Rachel like she’s grown an extra head. It’s one thing for him and me to have a side conversation, but to bring up dating at a business lunch in front of everyone isn’t exactly the best idea.
“We have very busy and very private lives.” I lean back in my chair and consider her. She won’t go so far that she breaks the NDA. She took a really hefty bonus to sign it and would owe us that plus interest if she broke the deal.
“It’s just so unusual. Four guys in the prime of their lives, and not one of you has someone special.” Rachel practically emphasizes every word.
“Maybe some of us have higher expectations from our partners,” Noah says as he stands. He pulls out Madison’s chair, and she stands with him. “Thank you for your time, Jason. It was a pleasure to meet all of you, but we need to return to work. We have important business to attend.”
His hand guides Madison by the small of her back. Coop says a quick goodbye before following them out.
“I think our business partners have the right idea. It’s getting late.” Standing, I hold out my hand to Jason. “We’ve got notes to go over and should have a proposal to you by the end of the week.”
He takes my hand. “A pleasure, as always. If you’re looking for women, you should join me out sometime. I know this great bar?—”
“Thank you, but business is brutal right now. Maybe later.” I release his hand and nod to his associates. My gaze lands on Rachel. I give her a nod. “Rachel.”
She glares. I don’t care if she hates me. I don’t actually think about her at all. But if she fucked with Madison’s head, I’ll make her life miserable.
* * *
The car door shuts behind Noah and me. The privacy window is still up.
Noah sighs and runs a hand through his already disheveled hair. “Rachel used to be our assistant before you. She was never party to this part of our arrangement. She was upset when Seth offered her the option. She’d been our assistant for six months and lived with us. Unless there was a project to work on, she didn’t hang out with us outside the office.”
I take Noah’s hand in mine. “It’s fine. Hope mentioned Rachel. I know she was your assistant, and that she gave her notice and didn’t stay the whole time. But now I understand why.” I shake my head and chuckle a little. “She thinks you guys are perverts.”
Coop slides in next to me and laughs. “She wishes. I was against offering her the deal after Andrea. Rachel worked well as an assistant. If I wanted to get some, I could just go out and find it.”
I purse my lips and narrow my eyes at Coop, but he just gives me a cocky grin and shrugs a shoulder.
Noah shakes his head. “Pretty sure she wanted to lock down Seth. Only Seth. When that didn’t happen, especially after she declined the offer, she went nuclear and left.”
“Then why offer the deal to me?” I arch my eyebrow at him. After all, they failed twice before. It seems like what they wanted probably wouldn’t happen.
Coop rubs the back of his neck while he talks. “Because you want us. All of us. It’s in your eyes and your body language. Even on that first day, I could tell. And we all want you.”
“So if I’d been someone you weren’t attracted to, you wouldn’t have even offered me the job?” I’m trying to figure out where they draw the line here. Yes, I want this, but if I hadn’t, would they have still hired me? Do they see my value as an employee or just as a sex object?
“You’re bright and an asset to the company. So yes, we still would have offered you the job, but we would have blue balls from being around you without being able to fuck you.” Cooper draws me onto his lap as the car starts. “Honestly, it’s hard to find someone we’re all attracted to, and someone who wants to play with us equally.”
I smooth my hand down his tie, remembering their promise on the way here. “Is that what you want? To play with me equally?”
“Fuck, yes. If you have more questions, I’m willing to answer them, but we have limited time in this car, and both Noah and I have to fuck you at least once. Can we be done with the conversation for now?”
His hands slip under my skirt and pull my panties to the side to slide his fingers through my wetness.
I nod and whimper as sparks race through my veins. I take his face in my hands and lower my lips to his. We explore each other’s mouths like it’s been forever.