When We Were Perfect - Chapter 33 - CHAPTER 33

Chapter 33 – CHAPTER 33
The ray's of light fell on her face disturbing her peaceful slumber, slowly opening her eyes she winced at the throbbing pain in her head. 'what the hell!' She cringed.
Amy winced at the soreness in her lower body, her eyes took a while to adjust to the bright light while shifting her sore body. Lifting herself from the bed, she sat gasping when she realized herself naked beneath the covers. On instinct, she snapped her neck towards the side and almost screamed when she caught the sight of a half-naked Daniel snuggled closer to her.
"No, this can't be happening," she whispered to herself with widened eyes. She wanted to believe that maybe nothing happened between them but her naked body, her clothes on the floor near the dresser and the ache between her legs was enough to remind that her maybe wasn't true. Some of the fragments started flashing before her eyes and she restrained herself from destroying everything around here. How she threw herself at him, how her body reacted to his touch last night. She wished that she could stop herself from gulping that damn drink at that moment. Tears of anger sting her eyes, slowly she covered her naked body with the sheet, careful not to wake Daniel as she didn't want to face him at the moment and limped towards the bath.
'What have I done!' This was the only phrase ringing in her ears as she sat in her office holding her head in her hands. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, both anger and regret coursing through her. She wanted nothing more but last night to disappear like it never happened. After sulking in the bath for half an hour, she quickly got ready and dashed towards her office not wanting to face Daniel. How can she after such an incident which she never wanted to happen in the first place?
There was a knock on the door as Talia walked in with some files and a cup of herb tea which Amy asked after arriving at the office, giving a concerned look to Amy taking in her rough appearance, unlike her professional and sophisticated look. She looked like she passed a storm especially with that messed up hair, swollen lips and puffed eyes.
"Amy! Are you okay!" She asked politely placing the cup of tea on her desk.
"Do I seriously look okay!!" Amy snapped. Talia took a step back astounded by her outburst.
"I told you to leave me alone for some time, is it too much to ask!!!" She spat while Talia gaped at her while swallowing her saliva.
"I-I am sorry Amy but it's time to leave for the court, you have a case to attend," Talia informed timidly not wanting to make her angrier.
"Prepare the files, we will be leaving in 5 minutes," She murmured, Talia quickly nodded and left the office. Amy slumped back in her chair and rubbed her temples trying hard to control her anger, not knowing whether she was angry with her or last night. She knew that she was somewhat sober and Daniel didn't take advantage of her. Taking in a deep breath, she composed herself taking out a small mirror and lipstick from the handbag and applied it to her dry and swollen lips, remembering about how they became swollen her heart once again raced up. Tying her hair in a ponytail in the best way she could using her fingers as a comb. Satisfied with her appearance not wanting to appear in court as some drugged criminal, she finally walked out of the office. Talia followed her cautiously to the car trying to figure out what made her a time bomb today. She silently prayed to God to save the defence lawyer from Amy's wrath today.
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt above the world in one moment and the very next moment you fell on the ground with a thud jolting you awake from your dream of happiness? You feel baffled about what happened but then you realize that some moments are as short as livid dreams. People say that nightmares end when you wake up but for some people, they continue even after they wake up. It leads to frustration sometimes when you can't handle certain things or when you don't understand where you went wrong but sometimes being oblivious to some facts is less painful than knowing them. Because once you know them, you become a part of it and it crushes you every day.
Daniel was sitting in a meeting but his mind was somewhere else, it has been one week since that night and what surprised him was the fact that he actually slept that night holding her close in his embrace like there was nothing that could make him sad but how wrong he was when he woke up the following morning cold and alone with no sign of Amy. His mind warned him about the consequences yet he decided to go with the flow. It was like all his senses were blinded by an overpowering emotion that suppressed all other things but one thing he was sure of was the fact that he didn't regret what happened between them but he sure did regret the circumstances. Never in his wildest fantasies, did he thought of having such a passionate encounter with Amy. He still felt her hooded eyes on him, the feel of her delicate fingers against his body, their bodies moulded into one. These thoughts were enough to drive him insane but at that time, he forget that Amy's reaction would be completely opposite. During the whole week, he never saw Amy once. The first two days, she went to live at her mother's house and Niel and Saim were the ones to inform him. Yes! He still didn't remove them because no matter how much stubborn she was, he cared for her and would never compromise on her safety. For the next couple of days, she would return when Daniel was either in his office or somewhere else and leave when he was working out or getting ready for office. It was unsettling for him as he wanted to solve this issue like grown-up adults not as some teenagers who were going to avoid each other. Daniel didn't budge her because he wanted to give her some time alone and then talk it out with her but who was he kidding, she hadn't been on proper talking terms with him since their marriage. Daniel was sure that she regretted what happened that night but to what extent, it was unknown to him. He didn't know what to expect but he could certainly hope that this thing doesn't go too far. He couldn't handle her coldness anymore.
"Damn!" He cursed forgetting that he was in a meeting. The room fell in a pin drop silence as he stared at the people who gulped like they had seen Lucifer in the form of Daniel. The presenter looked afraid that he was going to lose his job at any moment, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. But in reality, Daniel didn't even pay heed to a single word he uttered during the presentation. The thing was they never heard him curse before and it made them pretty scared. Daniel mentally face palmed himself for his negligence and lack of attention.
"Just give the pen drive to Ashton, I would see it later." He said standing up and buttoning his suit.
"The meeting is dismissed, for now, we will discuss the marketing points in the next meeting." The employees nodded taking a breath of relief while Daniel made his way out of the boardroom with Ashton on his tail. The employees passing by greeted him while some scurried out of the way seeing his more than serious face today. Today, he couldn't keep his mind on work, everything just leads him to the thoughts of Amy. He couldn't think back to how many files he crumpled in frustration. Ashton was also on edge seeing his behaviour, since morning he was acting grumpy and even blamed him for the tasteless coffee. It wasn't Ashton's fault that he reheated the coffee two times because Daniel forget to drink it.
"Ashton, cancel all my meetings for today and reschedule them. I am leaving early today." He stated collecting his briefcase and phone.
"But some there are some files which need your approval," He responded. Daniel halted and turned to face him.
"Place them at my desk, I will look at them the first thing in the morning," Not wanting to argue with his boss Ashton nodded and walked back to his desk. While Daniel strode towards the elevator ready to leave for home. Today he wanted to confront Amy. He had enough of her behaviour and gave her enough time to deal with it alone. If she was stubborn then he also knew how to deal with such people.