When We Were Perfect - Chapter 35 - CHAPTER 35

Chapter 35 – CHAPTER 35
The piles of files rested on his desk as he went through them one by one signing those which needed his approval while placing rejected ones on the other side. Now with the absence of Silas, the workload on him increased as he refused to hire someone for his post and took matters into his own hand and man it was tiring as hell. But he didn't know what physically being tired means because mostly he suffered from mental exhaustion throughout his life. It was this mental exhaustion that lulled him to sleep every night. There were so many things going on in his that he didn't know what to expect or how to respond to anything, Silas was still MIA and he wouldn't lie and say that he didn't miss or worry about him anymore. At times he would be so concerned thinking about him and his disappearance.
'What made him leave like this?'
'Why did he choose to reject Amy?'
But what angered him the most was that he didn't trust him enough to tell him what was on with him. Instead of facing his problems, he chooses to run away not even once thinking about the despair he caused everyone behind. The only thing that made him believe that Silas was alive was Nadia because if something happened to him Nadia's behaviour would reflect it. During the meetings or any other professional encounter that he had with Nadia, she behaved calmly although the guilt and hesitancy were evident on her face whenever her eyes fell on Daniel but he coldly cut her off every time she tried to start a conversation other than work. Whatever was happening today he considered her to be a part of it just like Silas. Only if she told him that day about Silas, everything would have been different at least not this complicated. One thing was sure that no one could find Silas until he himself decides to come back from wherever he went. Closing the last file, Daniel looked at the wall clock and sighed seeing it was 1 in the morning. He was overworked today but who cared. Running his fingers through his neatly combed hair, Daniel loosened his tie and folded the sleeves of his shirt. Leaning back on his chair he closed his eyes for a moment, his fingers a hint from working on files and projects and not to mention that his back felt numb at the moment.
He came back to this abnormal routine of his after the argument they had last month which was the last kind of talk he had with Amy. Since then he has tried to stay out of her way as much as possible just like she wanted it. Now the only time he met her was during breakfasts or weekends when they went to meet Vahide. During breakfast's the silence would be as sharp as a knife between them, he was habitual to that silence but with Amy it was painful, seeing the person you love sitting in front of you like a stranger. You see them near you but are unable to talk to them or hear them. On the contrary, Amy seemed fine with it not bothering to talk or even glance at him other than when he greeted her it asked her how she was. It was like he was non-existent for her.
This word haunted him during every night now, his nightmares were frequent now that's why he decided to spend more time in his office now but that didn't mean he doesn't care for Amy. He would constantly ask Neil and Saim to report about Amy, warning them to be careful and not get caught again. At noon, he would send lunch for her through Lance strictly ordering Talia to make sure she ate everything and doing the same during dinner with Martha.
The pounding of raindrops against the glass window made him open his tired eyes and look outside. He slowly stood from his chair and went closer to the window, hovering his hand over the glass. Starting at the sky, thunder and lightning going hand in hand as they took over the sky making the atmosphere dark. Just the weather he liked, weird but no one knows that's the only thing he has experienced most of his life. Thunderstorms, heavy rains and no one to calm his scared self. He remembered when he used to cry in fear listening to the thunderstorms, no one would come to soothe him. Instead at once, he got beaten badly by his father because his wailing ruined his sleep. It was from that day, Daniel suppressed his cries with his tiny hands or pillow knowing that his father was more brutal than the storm. The sound of rain was soothing for him, it gives you a melody to listen but no one can hear your cries during it. In that heavy rain, he saw a young couple running on the road, Daniel squinted his eyes and edged closer to get a better view. Both were looking in their teens, they stopped at the entrance of a nearby building panting heavily. The girl started shaking, seeing this the boy held her in his embrace and warmly kissed her wet cheeks. The girl blushed and pushing him aside ran inside the building, the boy chuckled while following her inside. Daniel shook his head at the young couple when a memory from his teenage years resurfaced in his mind.
"Daniel! Look over there," Amy yelped making Daniel jerk looking around for danger but upon seeing nothing out of place, raised his eyebrows at Amy.
"Where should I look," He queried, Amy, pouted and pointed towards a couple sitting on the bench. Daniel looked in their direction to see what intrigued her.
Both the boy and girl were arguing about something when the girl shook her head crying and scooted away from the boy huffing. The boy realizing his mistake rubbed the back of his neck and tried to persuade her but to no avail. Finally, he went away leaving the girl alone and came back a moment later hiding something in his jacket. He kneed in front of the girl and flexed a box of chocolate and flowers. The girl first scowled for some moments before finally accepting the gift and kissed the boy's cheek softly. A slight redness taking over her features as she opened the box of chocolates, handing one to his boyfriend as they both started eating and giggling together.
Daniel looked at Amy who was dreamily watching the cliche scene in front of her eyes. Daniel waved his hands in front of her eyes bringing her back from her LA-LA land.
"Why are you so mesmerised?" He asked not considering Amy to be a hopeless romantic.
"I am just awed by them. You know it feels so good when one gives you something so lovingly." She said picking her sketch pencils from the bag.
"But you receive a lot of gifts on your birthday!" Daniel asked confused.
Amy rolled her eyes.
"Yes, I do get a lot of gifts but those are just formalities. Only mom give me loving gifts, I want someone to give me the simplest of things like flowers just for me not to show off. Something that touches my heart." Daniel laughed.
"When did you become so cliche," He said laughing while Amy glared at him.
"Go to hell!!" She said sticking her tongue out and continuing her sketch, a frown plastered on her face. Daniel felt bad but continued his work. A minute later an idea popped into his mind.' Hopefully, she likes it,' he thought.
"Tesoro, you wait here, I will be back in a few minutes," Daniel said raising himself from the ground and rushed somewhere leaving Amy confused.
"Come back before the sun sets Daniel, " She yelled from behind.
"Don't worry I will be, " Daniel replied waking in the direction of a flower shop that was located at the backside of the park. He felt bad for ruining her fantasy and wanted to mend it. He smiled seeing the flower shop in front but then his smile faded when he remembered he didn't have any money. The orphanage only paid for his necessities and he never had the extra money, the only one he had was during festivals. He bit his lip thinking about his misery and how he didn't deserve to be with Amy. He lowered his head looking at the ground and that's when his gaze fell on the little yellow seedlings sprouting on the ground near the corner of Park. His eyes lit up
'maybe this thing could work.' He thought moving towards the seedlings.
To be continued…..