When We Were Perfect - Chapter 37 - CHAPTER 37

Chapter 37 – CHAPTER 37
Daniel contemplated on what to tell Vahide about Amy and his relationship. Amy wouldn't be happy knowing that despite her acting, Vahide still doubted their relationship. But maybe you can't dodge motherly instincts at all.
"Things may not be perfect at the moment but we are moving past every negative thing and looking forward to our future together," Daniel lied half-heartedly.
"You know her Daniel, how stubborn she is. It's not easy to deal with her stubborn self and this afraid me the most. Between both Ayla and her, she gave me the toughest time," Vahide chuckled slightly at the end remembering her childhood.
"That you don't need to tell me Vahide mom, I know how to deal with that hot-headed girl of yours," he replied sadly only if he knew.
"I know how much you love her Daniel, why don't you tell her that," Daniel's grip tightened on the phone. He wish he could pour his heart in front of Amy, tell her everything but he knew that she would reject his love instantly and all the things that happened in his life, he couldn't take the pain of that rejection on his face. She had already blocked him and made it clear in the past few months that she doesn't want anything to do with this marriage. All these years, he never confessed his true feeling to her because he couldn't afford to lose the bond they had with one another but telling her now would make her leave him. Besides, how do you tell someone that you love her when her heart already belongs to somebody else.
"There is a certain time for everything to take place and I – I am just waiting for that perfect time," 'and will keep on waiting ' his mind retorted.
"I just hope you both have your happiness and love together," Vahide replied in a motherly tone making him feel even more miserable.
"Yes, I wish the same!" Daniel mumbled clearing his throat,
"Well take some rest! You must be tired from the trip but do come to meet me this weekend,"
"I will Vahide mom, Good night!" Daniel sighed dropping the phone on the bed and plopped on the side of the bed, crossing his arms under his head starting at the white ceiling and smiling sadly at his fate.
It wouldn't be a lie to say that Vahide shipped them from the beginning when they were in school but she let fate decide what was the best for them. She wasn't very happy when Amy announced that she and Silas were together but there wasn't much she could do at the moment seeing her daughter's happiness.
"Amy! Stop winning like a child, I already told you that trip was not for you, maybe you can next time when you are a bit older," Vahide scolded a 10-year-old Amy who refused to eat her breakfast sitting on the barstool with a frown.
"But mom everyone went on that trip Ayla, Silas and Daniel, what I am supposed to do for a whole week without them," She wept. Vahide was cleaning the dishes turned to her.
"Well, we can go to the park or visit Aunt Selma besides it's only for one week, don't make a fuss about it. Now be a good girl and eat your breakfast." Vahide said trying to soothe her younger daughter but instead, she pushed back the plate of breakfast and crossed her arms annoying Vahide even more.
"Amy! I am not going to say it ag…." Vahide started to scold her but stopped when she heard another sound.
"Good Morning! Vahide mom " Daniel came walking in the kitchen in his school uniform carrying his camping bag. Seeing him, Amy's face lit up.
"Daniel!!!" She rushed towards him tackling him in a hug, Daniel responded nervously to her excitement while glancing at Vahide who looked amused.
"Morning Daniel! May I know what are you doing here instead of being on your trip?" Vahide asked drying her hand and walking away from the sink. Daniel reluctantly let go of Amy before replying scratching the back of his head.
"Well I – I actually didn't want Amy to feel left out, that's why I stayed behind." Amy grinned hearing his reply while Vahide shook her head.
"I don't much appreciate this act of your's Daniel because you should stay with your other friends too my child, besides Amy, needs to learn that she can't get everything every time, "Vahide explained gently making Daniel bend his head downward.
"Mom! I am his only best friend, so he should stay with me," Amy retorted grabbing his hand.
"I am sorry Vahide mom but I would get bored on the trip, that's why I decided to spend time with tesoro, I mean Amy," he replied in a humbled manner while Amy gave her mother a sideways glare.
"it's okay Daniel! You are most welcome in this house," Vahide replied pleased with how caring and respectful he was towards Amy and her. Daniel smiled at her.
"Yay! You see mom is not angry with you now come on Daniel, we will watch lion together," Amy said excitedly grabbing his hand and rushing towards her room making him stumble a step or two.
"Be careful Amy! " Vahide shouted shaking her head. But at that moment she realized how much Daniel cared for her stubborn daughter enough to even miss his school trip. Later that evening, she found both of them cuddled together on Amy's bean bag with the movie still playing. Vahide gently placed a blanket on their bodies, smiling at two children who looked like two love birds. She knew it was early but somewhere her heart wished for both of them to stay like that forever.
Flashback ends.
"Good morning Master!" Martha greeted Daniel who nodded taking his seat.
"Morning Martha!" He replied taking his cup of coffee from her hand glancing at the empty seat next to him. It's been three days since he hadn't seen Amy.
"Amy, left already?" Daniel asked expecting to hear the obvious, Martha who was placing fruits in the basket turned to him.
"No master! She is the garden," Daniel who was biting his toast halted and looked sceptically at her.
"Garden!" He asked incredulously, Martha nodded confused.
"What is she doing there," Daniel raised a question because in all these months Amy had been here, she never went in the garden. Heck! She never even leaves her room when she is in the house.
"She wasn't feeling well Master, so I advised her to go and take some fresh air," Martha replied. Daniel dropped his cutlery worried because she never fell ill like that before.
"Do you know what happened to her?" He asked perturbed.
"I don't know Master, she couldn't eat her breakfast and was uneasy the whole time," Daniel wiped his hands with the napkin contemplating whether he should leave her alone or go inquire about her health? deciding the latter, he stood up from his seat.
"I will go check on her Martha, bring a glass of water for her," he said and walked beside the patio to the adjoining garden where Amy was standing, rubbing her chest and taking small breaths looking distressed.
"Tesoro!"Daniel gasped watching her state. Amy looked at his way for a moment before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body quivered. Daniel rushed to her side but was late as her body helplessly fall down hitting the side of the concrete floor quite roughly. The staff cleaning there gasped while Martha who came behind holding a glass of water screamed at the scene in front of them. Daniel crouched holding Amy in his arms and shook her, blood was gushing out of her cut on the side of her forehead from the rough impact.
" Tesoro! tesoro! Wake up!" Daniel shouted in horror helplessly shaking her body.
"Go get the car now!!!!" Daniel screamed at the staff standing nearby while Martha gave him a cloth to cover her cut to prevent the bleeding.
"Boss the car is ready," Lance announced panting running from behind. Daniel immediately picked her up and carried her bridal style into the car, getting inside beside her. Daniel looked at her unconscious figure and pressed the cloth more tightly to her forehead, blood covering the side of her face, his white shirt soaked in a patch of blood but he could care less at the moment.
"Drive faster Lance!!" Daniel shouted at Lance who speeded up. He felt like crying at the moment, he never saw her in this condition before. Daniel remembered the one time when Amy fell during a race in school and scratched her knees, Daniel immediately took her to the first aid room in their school despite Amy protesting that they were minor scratches. But Daniel stayed with her all the time while the nurse bandaged her, even missing some of his classes.
He didn't care about the pain because it was something he was accustomed to but for Amy, he couldn't bear seeing her in this state, his heart clenched.
"Please be okay tesoro," he mumbled lying a desperate kiss on her cheek.