When We Were Perfect - Chapter 40 - CHAPTER 40

Chapter 40 – CHAPTER 40
It's been entire three months since that unexpected pregnancy and to say that Vahide was on cloud nine would be an understatement. Her face first turned white like a sack of potato before she practically started jumping on her seat and hugged Amy to death all the while crying. Every single employee at the office congratulated him as it became the headlines of magazines that Daniel Saritas was going to be a father. Daniel was confused as to how they got a hand on it but his question was soon answered when a photograph of Amy and him leaving the doctor's office was published. Amy was furious as she didn't want anyone to know about her pregnancy while Daniel became more worried about her health and safety. He himself went to visit Kevin, urging him to keep a strong follow-up about Gonsalez and keep Amy out of the risky investigations. He would constantly keep a check on her either by Talia or her bodyguards, at first he wanted her to stay at home and work or maybe take a break but one furious glance from Amy was enough to tell him that it wouldn't do him any good. So, he asked Vahide to help him with this matter, the very next day Vahide was at their home giving a lecture to Amy while she silently cursed him with every possible obscenity but in the end, she promised to cut her working hours short.
Amy still hasn't come to full terms with her pregnancy but she had somewhat accepted the fact that she was pregnant and didn't have much choice in the matter. Her tummy started to show a little and every time Daniel looked at her bump, it would set a wave of happiness in Daniel that how life was being formed in her stomach as they speak. As for their relationship, since their last conversation two months before, Daniel hasn't brought up anything related to it or anything in front of her not wanting to upset her. However, he cared more for her, all the time, starting from reading articles and books on pregnancy trying to tend to her every need which was quite hard as she brushed him off every time, keeping to herself. He overheard her conversation with Vahide once that how her morning sickness was infuriating her and how she felt tired all the time. At those moments he wished he could be close to her.
"Time to eat!" Talia said barging into her office with food nicely kept in containers and her vitamins. Amy frowned at her.
"I am not in the mood to eat Talia," Amy responded scribbling down notes on her diary as Talia placed the bag on the desk and begin to take out food ignoring her knowing she will most likely eat in the end.
"You have to eat Amy, Mr Saritas send these medicines also. He strictly ordered me to make sure I eat food and take your medicines,"
"Have you started working for Daniel!" Amy retorted with an eye roll. She was tired of her mother and Daniel taking care of her like she was the most fragile thing in the world right now. Talia chuckled.
"No! But believe me, he has a commanding tone. No one can say no to that,"
Amy was about to reply when her stomach grumbled as soon as the aroma of spinach and meat puffs entered her nostrils. The other thing she hated at the moment aside from morning sickness was her growing appetite and Daniel made sure that her growing appetite remained constant by sending her favourite dishes during lunch and even at dinner, he would make sure that Martha made healthy food for her.
Reluctantly, she closes her diary and picking up the cutlery, digs in her food like a child who gets to eat ice cream, Talia who was watching her started laughing at her.
"What!" Amy grumbled biting her food.
"I thought someone didn't want to eat!" She tittered.
"I changed my mind," Amy responded glaring at her.
"Well I don't want to offend you but at the rate, you are eating at. I am beginning to think whether you are carrying more than a single child," Talia expressed her view but gulped when she saw Amy shooting her a murderous look.
"If you don't want to eat lunch, then you are more than welcome to leave Talia," Amy said while moaning at the taste of meat puffs, Talia watched her clearly amazed.
"I doubt that anything will be left for me!" She whispered to herself amused.
"Did you said anything?" Amy raised her brows.
"No! I was saying that I will be outside if you need anything!" Talia quickly rambled but then remembered something.
"Oh! And make sure to take your medicines after eating," She asserted to which Amy nodded still engrossed in her lunch.
"You know Amy, you are lucky to have a husband like Mr Saritas. Not everyone loves and worries for their partner as he does!" Talia mumbled with a smile before leaving the office.
The food gets stuck in her throat as she forcefully swallows absorbing Talia's words. Her appetite suddenly vanishes as she closes the container and places it aside. Opening the cap of her bottle, she swallows her medicines with water and starts working again, continuing to write her previous notes draining out Talia's words and pretending that she never heard them.
The sound of something clashing against the tile jolts him awake, looking around his room he sees nothing out of the ordinary. His body felt exhausted to such a point that he felt like his system will shut down at any time. Today was a long day for Daniel with several meetings and updates on new projects. Slowly lifting himself to his feet, he drags his body towards the door, coming to halt in his tracks stepping down the stairs when he hears noises coming from the kitchen.
'Who could that be?' Daniel wondered as his stance stiffens on an instinct, although his house had camera surveillance with two guards on duty in the morning and night. He had to hire two more guards because of Amy, he didn't want any danger around them. Daniel heads towards the kitchen and stops right at the entrance, keeping out of sight. He slowly peeks in only to watch Amy sitting on a barstool near the isle digging in a tub of ice cream. Something swirls in his stomach when he sees her enjoying her ice cream like a small child unaware of her surroundings.
She looked so adorable yet elegant in her loose tee and pyjama shorts, her small bump a little prominent. Daniel watched as she slowly licked her spoon closing her eyes and moaning enticing him as he restrained himself from going near her and taste that ice cream from her lips. Her soft locks loosely held in a ponytail, watching her like this without her bitterness made Daniel remember her old self and their carefree moments. There were moments he would do anything to relive and never come back. Just him and Amy, her laughter, her constant rant, that warmth. He wanted to ask for answers that he never received, that nags him every day. Because now her name brought sadness to him that he was paying for something he never did but had to be a part of the punishment. But then again his mind went to hope that maybe this child will change something between them and probably for the better. Leaving her there to enjoy her small moment, Daniel went back to his room all the while with a small smile decorating his face.
Today Daniel was grinning like a fool from ear to ear, anyone around him could feel the aura of happiness, unlike his usual cold one. Everyone at the office was gobsmacked at seeing him smiling and reply in words to their greetings. Some of the girl's swoon over his smile because the most they got from him was a nod in response. No matter how much he tried he was unable to keep his emotions to himself today it was like they kept pouring out of him. Today he was going to know the gender of their child although it didn't matter to him whether it was a girl or boy yet he was excited to know what their soon to be child would be. It always made him excited whenever it was her monthly ultrasound appointment, although he couldn't go during the first few as Amy wanted Vahide to accompany her but today he was going to be there and see his unborn child for the first time. Amy was going to be five months soon and she was more stubborn and frustrated before. If it wasn't for Vahide, Daniel didn't know how he would have handled her and her terrible mood swings that made him worried and amuse at the same time seeing this side of Amy.
To be continued…