When We Were Perfect - Chapter 43 - CHAPTER 43

Chapter 43 – CHAPTER 43
"Maybe he is all done," Amy replied retreating her hand away from his touch, trying to dodge away the unknown emotions bottling up inside her.
"Oh!" Daniel said but he didn't take his hand away from her stomach. It lay there warmly as he asked,
"How does it feel? it isn't too painful right"
"It is painful at some times especially during the night but he never kicked like this before. Sometimes it feels like a soft purr!" Amy responded gazing at her stomach absorbedly. Daniel cupped her stomach nearing his face,
"Hey, baby! I am your dad." Amy shook her head at his antics.
"He isn't going to respond Daniel!"
Daniel continued enjoying the feel, her bump was giving her.
"I know you are not going to respond!" Daniel said with a frown.
"But stop hurting your mommy, you can play football and kick all you want once you are outside," Daniel said softly while patting her stomach. Amy's breath hitched once again hearing the word mommy from his mouth. She was about to return to her previous position when the child kicked again.
"Oh My God! Tesoro did you see he kicked!" Daniel exclaimed placing his hand on her belly mesmerized by the fact, happiness flooded in his heart and he made no effort in hiding it grinning.
"I love you and can't wait to see you, son," at this, the child kicked again as if responding to his words. Daniel leaned back grinning before placing a soft lingering kiss on her belly settling beside her, still in a daze. Amy clenched her jaws not wanting to let any foreign feeling invade her heart, she instantly looked away staring at the snow falling outside calming her beating heart.
Daniel was as usually working in his office at home, his eyes focused intently on the laptop screen in front of him, his fingers drumming furiously on the keyboard. The moonlight peeking through the window, deep in his thoughts developing some new strategies when he heard a knock on his door.
"Come in!" He says distractedly engrossed in his work, the door creaks open revealing Amy. Daniel lifted his head from his laptop and stared at her, she was wearing a loose long pyjama gown with a crop sweater highlighting her bump, her black hairs sprawled neatly around her shoulder, Daniel mentally admired her looks and how alluring she looked even in her nightdress. Her face was practically glowing making him wonder was that maternal glow .
"Tesoro, do you need anything?" Daniel started surprised that she came to his office at this time. He was uncertain whether she was emotional or normal today because since the morning she had spent her whole day cooped up in the bedroom, only coming out for breakfast. Daniel didn't force her to do anything and didn't bother her much except asking about her healthy on phone. He ordered Martha to keep a check on her.
"I couldn't sleep!" Amy huffed waddling near his desk and sitting on the armchair in front. Daniel immediately straightened himself slightly worried.
"Does your back hurt or is he moving around a lot!" Daniel hastily said observing her.
"No it isn't any of these things today thankfully, but I am hungry!" Amy said in a winning manner. Daniel took a sigh of relief that she was alright but regretted it as soon as he saw her glare. He smiled nervously wondering what he did know.
"I mean, what do you want to eat. I could make it for you." Amy crossed her arms on her chest making them protrude a bit, Daniel averted his gaze to her face clearing his throat.
"I want to eat burgers and fries!" Amy blandly replied making a comical face like they would pop out from nowhere.
"At this time?" Daniel responded glancing between the clock and her face with a baffled expression.
"It's not me who wants to eat it, so stop looking at me like that," Amy grumbled.
"You can eat anything you want tesoro, I will order it for you!" Daniel said quickly searching for his phone on the desk.
"No, I am craving protein burger and they won't deliver it at this time. So ask lance or those two robots you have hired for me, "Amy muttered placing a hand on her bump. An amused expression crossed Daniel's face watching her whine like a child. He could order any of them to bring it but they would most likely be taking their rest at this time and he didn't want to bother the security guards.
" I will go and bring it for you tesoro!" Daniel replied standing from his leather chair grabbing his phone from under the piles of files.
"Okay, also bring ice -tea for me!" Amy promptly said as he reached the door making him chuckle.
Man, it was a tough job getting a burger at 2 in the morning, he had to drive for nearly thirty minutes before he came across a diner that was open and had protein burgers.
Daniel shuts the door with his leg and walks into the living room carrying the food bags. Amy was sitting Indian style on the couch blankly staring at the walls but her eyes perked up when she saw Daniel walking in holding her burger. Daniel reached out to give her the meal and she immediately started devouring it. He sat beside her on the sofa watching her intently and stifling the laugh that begged to escape his mouth, the way she was eating her meal completely enjoying it without caring about anything around. She looked so adorable making him wonder how their son will look like, he deeply wanted him to look like his mother beautiful and smart. Daniel had already started planning so many things for him, he even ordered things to set up his nursery. Placing a hand on his cheek, he intently gazed at Amy who took the last bite of his burger and placed the wrapping foil on the table looking satisfied.
"Do you want something else?" Daniel muttered softly.
"Are you calling me fat!" Amy responded with a frown.
"No, why would I call you that!" Daniel said scooting closer to her.
"Because I am getting fat!" Amy retorted glaring at her belly.
"No, you aren't tesoro, you are pregnant, not fat. You aren't like Amy in school days, remember Amy the dumbo," Daniel muttered but instantly cursed himself knowing how much she hated being called that. But to his surprise, she laughed turning to him.
"I was indeed a dumbo! Daniel,"
Daniel stared dazedly, it was the first time in the past months when she genuinely laughed, her laugh falling on his ears making him realize how much he missed hearing that.
"I couldn't even do a single thing properly without having your back," she giggled recollecting the old memories. Daniel felt giddy at the moment seeing her so fresh and laughing.
"You weren't dumb tesoro, you had your way of dealing with things! Remember, the one time you tripped in front of Ms Abek and splashed your whole set of colours on her face. I couldn't decipher whether she was shaking from anger or embarrassment as everyone started laughing at her. She looked like another version of the rainbow just with bold colours." Daniel said making both of them burst into laughter, Amy held her belly while leaning on the couch and for a moment their eyes met and Amy could swear she felt a sharp between them but it seemed to end their little moment as Amy once again felt that fuzzy feeling. She immediately composed herself and straightening her gown hoisted herself up. Daniel noticed the change around.
"It's getting late, I shall sleep. Thanks! For getting ne the meal." Amy responded dully not looking his way. All the traces of laughter gone from her face like she wasn't sitting and giggling with him a minute before. Daniel stared incredulously at her, why does their every moment have to end grimly and dully.
"Anything for you tesoro, good night!" He smiled as Amy turned and waddled towards her room leaving him there alone. Now, he was beginning to think that she had somehow got a bipolar personality disorder or either something was stopping her from being her old self but what was that thing. Standing from the sofa he picked the wrappers from the table and went to the kitchen dumping them in the bin. The sound of her laughter vibrating in his ears, the glow on her face was indescribable as she sat there staring at him. Daniel smiled walking towards his room wishing that such moments continue to exist between them her laughing and smiling and him admiring her just like the old days when everything was imperfectly perfect between them when she used to be the Amy Moretti he grew to love and love more every day. But again you don't always get what you want right…