When We Were Perfect - Chapter 44 - CHAPTER 44

Chapter 44 – CHAPTER 44
A few months later.
Daniel's eyes flew open in the middle of the night to Amy's high pitched screams, pushing the covers off him he rushed to her room. Barging inside, he saw her screaming holding her abdomen.
"AHHH-HHH!" she shrieked out, her screams deafening his ears. Daniel rushed to her side holding her close trying to calm her, his heart beating abnormally as dread filled him and different scenarios begin to flood in his mind.
"Tesoro, what happened!" He cried out, his voice was hoarse and panicked, his nerves on edge.
"I think my water broke!!" She breathed out clutching her stomach. Daniel's body tensed as he tried to register what she told him.
'Amy was in labour' his mind explained.
"What, are you sure!" He said dumbfounded, eyes widening as he leaned back and stared at the wet sheets. No matter how much he tried to prepare himself for this moment, it was like his body went numb at the moment, unable to function. Amy shrieked out again as another wave of contraction tore through her body.
"Didn't you hear what I said, I am going into labour!" She yelled incredulously pushing him back a little from her, which seemed to make him come out of his shocked state.
"We can handle this, tesoro stay calm and take deep breathes," he freaked out.
"You expect ne to calm down," Amy said taking deep breathes.
"Just do something, make it stop Daniel!!" She yelled leaning back on the bed, Daniel ran downstairs calling Martha and Lance. In no time Martha came tailing behind Daniel, helping her off the bed as Daniel scooped her up in his arms.
"Let's go tesoro, we are going to the hospital!" Daniel said trying to calm his own nerves. He carried her bridal style to the car while Martha rushed behind them holding the overnight bag. They immediately settled in the car as Lance started the engine speeding up the car as soon as they zoomed out of the gates. Amy cried slumping her body into the seat clutching her big belly digging her nails into the leather of the car seat trying to calm herself from the excruciating pain she was feeling at the moment, tears covered her face. Daniel pressed her close to his side drawing circles on her nine-month-old belly trying to soothe her.
"Tesoro, breathe in and out in a slow manner," Daniel voiced out the instruction doctor gave them for such a situation.
"Will you just shut up! Why don't you do it yourself!" Amy growled with a heated gaze while grabbing his arm and squeezing it. Daniel immediately zipped his mouth but the concern and worry etched on his face, he glanced at the road wishing to reach the hospital soon while holding her close. He felt his own eyes stung seeing her in this excruciating pain, he gently pressed a kiss to her temple.
Within 15 minutes they reached the hospital safely and Amy was wheeled into a private room within minutes. The nurses immediately hooked her up with a monitor and an IV was put in her arm before changing her into the hospital gown. Daniel was by her side soon, his heart broke seeing her look so pale and fragile.
"Okay! I am going to check for far you have dilated Mrs Saritas," the doctor said putting on some gloves while Amy but her lips, trying to hold back a scream.
"How long have you been having contractions?" She asked pulling her gown up exposing the flesh of her legs and thighs.
"I don't know, I haven't been feeling well since morning, there were some mild contractions but I ignored them as Braxton Hicks. It was until midnight when felt my water broke," Amy panted while the doctor nodded her head as she parted her legs continuing to check how dilated she was.
"It looks like you are close to giving birth but you have to wait for an hour, till then try to calm yourself as much as you can," the doctor informed. Amy let out a sob when another wave of contraction and panic hit her.
"It's going to be alright tesoro, I am here with you," Daniel said removing some strands of hair from her face that we're sticking due to tears and sweat, giving her a reassuring look.
"It's all your fault, damn you!" Amy grumbled as her cheeks started to redden. Daniel felt completely lost at the moment, he had no idea how to help her in this situation, everything he said seems to agitate her even more. So he stood there silently holding her hand and gently wiping away the sweat and tears from her face. All the while hearing her curse words directed at him.
"You can do this tesoro, you are strong and I believe in you!" Daniel spoke to her in a soft tone giving her an encouraging smile as she panted and cried. He wanted so badly to wipe out every inch of pain she was feeling or even take away that pain himself. Today he realized the meaning of words that birthing is the most profound initiation to spirituality a woman can have and he hoped that Amy understood that too.
After what seems to be like forever of crying from pain and occasionally throwing profanities mostly at Daniel, Amy was ready to give birth. The doctor came back with two nurses, Amy's contractions got stronger and stronger until she was ready to push, she grabbed the handle of the bed in one hand and the other she firmly held Daniel's hand in a death grip as the doctor instructed her to push.
"I can't do this!!" Amy panted as she felt all of her energy drained out.
"You have got this tesoro!" Daniel muttered softly encouraging her.
"Yes! Mrs Saritas just one or two pushes. I can already see the head." The doctor stated trying to boost her confidence. Panting Amy gathered whatever energy was left in her body and gave one large push.
"Aaaarghhh!!!!" She wailed with the push, her body slumped back on the bed as she heard a baby's high pitched scream. The pressure in her pelvic region begins to lessen as well her grip on Daniel's hand which was numb because of a lack of circulation as a result of her grip. Daniel bit the inside of his cheek, sweat begins to trail down his spine as the reality dawned upon him that his son was here. All the loneliness and sufferings mended together to form a deep emotion that no one could ever take away from him as he started with shock at the little baby in the Doctors hands, crying his lungs out. The nurse handed him the scissor to cut the cord with a nod, he felt his heart banging against his ribcage as he stepped forward and cut the cord slowly with shaking hands. He has never seen someone so small yet beautiful in his life. His son, his blood and flesh, a part of him and Amy in more ways than one. The doctor handed the child to the nurse to clean him, Amy who was dripping in sweat stared with blurry eyes at the child for a split second as the nurse walked away with him. She felt entirely drained out but thankful that this labour finally ended and she would never have to suffer from this excruciating pain again. Daniel turned towards Amy and bent down, pressing a soft kiss to her wet forehead,
"Thank you!" He mumbled in a hoarse tone swallowing the lump in his throat. He smiled but Amy could only see a blurred image of Daniel as her eyelids felt heavy like some stone and she finally succumbed to exhaustion felling asleep. Daniel sat on the stool beside her gently pressing his fingers on her hand, watching her with admiration and love. He was over the moon right now and no words could describe the emotions that swirled in his heart. He leaned forward placing another soft kiss on her red cheek, her face was pale with hairs sprawled all over the pillow. Despite everything, he would say that he loved her with everything he had.
"You gave me the biggest happiness in the world tesoro!" His eyes glistening unable to keep his emotions at bay.
"I l-love you…." He rasped despite knowing that she was deep in her slumber. He wished he could confess his feelings to her, only if it was that easy. But one thing was sure no matter whether you had a child planned, happened by surprise or either by miracle, he could feel that his life was going to change and that his son would be a part of it. He was still gazing at her intently, rubbing her hand with his thumb, deep in thoughts when the door opened and the nurse came back holding a small bundle cleaned and wrapped in a blue cloth.