When We Were Perfect - Chapter 46 - CHAPTER 46

Chapter 46 – CHAPTER 46
Daniel watched closely as the nurse fed his son through a feeder. He was bawling his eyes out after the initial health check-up and to Daniel's relief, the doctor declared him a healthy baby. The doctor told him how it was time for his feed and Amy was needed to do it but Daniel felt that she would immediately reject it that was the reason he asked the doctor for formula milk, the doctor looked at him warily but immediately arranged it. He wanted to feed his son by himself but he was still afraid that he might do something improperly. So here he was staring at his son who softly sucked on his feeder, once he was done the nurse handed him back to Daniel and gave instructions on how to burp the child. Daniel did as the nurse asked him and rubbed the child's back softly and cautiously, afraid of squeezing or suffocating him but soon he heard a soft voice indicating that he had burped. Daniel thanked the nurse with gratitude who in return smiled professionally before walking out of the room. He had shifted to a nearby room temporarily not wanting to be in the same space as Amy for the time being, he wanted to enjoy the time with his son without any drama and suffering.
"I see you are more attached to him and he is not even a day old," the doctor said simpering, as she walked into the room.
"I can't help myself, he is just so fragile and adorable," Daniel gushed his feelings looking at his son who was yet to open his eyes.
"Indeed he is, on the other hand, Mr Saritas I have checked your wife and she is perfectly fine and healthy to be discharged in the evening. As for junior Saritas, I have written the names of some formula milk that will be best to give him for the early months and other things too after consulting with our paediatrician as you asked," She informed still very perplexed that his wife didn't do single research on parenting and other things. Even during the months of her pregnancy, she hasn't asked anything related to the baby. Daniel was the one who did all such things but he still wanted to consult with a paeds as a precaution. He was new to parenthood and didn't want to take any risks and so far seeing Amy he doubted that she will be interested in taking care of the baby.
"Thank you, doctor! You have done a lot for us," He said warmly with all the sincerity he could show.
"It was my duty Mr Saritas no need to thank me for it and if you want, you can return to your wife's room!" The doctor said nodding at him before disappearing. Daniel pondered whether he should stay here or return to Amy's room but he knew he had to eventually and she probably might have been awake now. Just as he was about to walk towards the door with his son, it opened briskly startling him as an angry-looking Vahide stepped in. He immediately gazed down at the sleeping baby in his arms and sighed that he didn't fidget or wake up. Vahide who was boiling in anger stared at the baby and her eyes soften with a second looking at his grandson. Tears begin to flow out of her eyes as happiness and pride surged in her body. There he was, her grandson.
"Vahide mom!" Daniel muttered gulping suddenly realising that he didn't inform Vahide about it. Her eyes again hardened as she glared at Daniel walking closer to him.
"Don't you Vahide mom me, how dare you didn't inform me about my grandson, that Amy went into labour. I should have been here with you guys if I hadn't decided to visit you guys today I wouldn't have known about it. Imagine how I felt when your housekeeper started congratulating me and I stood there clueless!" She reprimanded. Daniel felt guilty realising how careless he had been but one couldn't blame, the happiness of seeing his son and then Amy's frostiness completely made him forget about Vahide.
"I am sorry Vahide mom, my mind just got stuck with the labour and then baby that I forget to inform you. It just all happened quickly," Daniel said in a guilty tone but Vahide still frowned.
"Would you like to hold your grandson," Daniel asked trying to lighten the situation and calm her. Her gaze shifted to her grandson and all the anger vanished like it wasn't there before. She slowly reaches forward and held the baby carefully taking him from Daniel. A huge grin plastered on her face as she looked at him with affection and pride. After so long there was a moment of utter joy in their lives.
"He is a spitting image of yours Daniel!" Daniel chuckled now getting used to the phrase. Vahide cooed and kissed his forehead.
"Am I forgiven now!" Daniel said apologetically.
"Only because you gave me such a cute grandson," Vahide said squinting her eyes before her ageing face turned into a full-blown smile.
"Ayla would have been so happy," Vahide rasped. Daniel moved closer to her side and hugged her placing his chin on her head as they both stared at the baby.
"I know she would have spoiled him rotten. Both the sisters had a bet that who will be the best aunt in the future," Daniel said remembering Ayla and Amy's constant bicker.
"But she is always with us here, watching us and celebrating with us," Daniel breathed as the face of Ayla came in front of his eyes. A forlorn tear escaped Vahide's eyes but she quickly wiped it away not wanting to ruin this moment of happiness.
"Where is Amy?" questioned looking at the empty bed. Daniel's posture immediately straightened as his mind searched for excuses.
"Uh- I wanted her to rest without any disturbance after all the exhaustion she has gone through. She was pretty much tired. So, I decided to shift to another room while she sleeps." Daniel replied somewhat truthfully.
"Why would she be disturbed by her own child?" Vahide muttered.
"You know she is quite edgy when someone disturbs her sleep!"
"Then she should get used to it, it's a part of parenthood!" Vahide said while cooking at his sleeping grandson.
"Only if you knew!" Daniel whispered stepping back from her side shoving his hands in his pyjama pockets. He was still in his sleeping suit although Martha did bring his clothes along with Amy's in the morning but he didn't get time to change them.
"What have you guys decided to name him?" Vahide asked now expectantly looking at Daniel who stood still. Amy wouldn't give any name and so far he couldn't think of a suitable name either.
"Why don't you do the honour!" Daniel responded thinking of it as the best solution to this name problem. Vahide gasped, surprised at his request.
"You really want me to name him?" She murmured, Daniel nodded and smiled at her
"Yes! Vahide mom you are the closest I have as a mother figure and you are also his grandmother from both sides. So please do this for us besides we haven't decided on a name either,"
Vahide's lips quivered as she proudly looked at Daniel, she always found him the best choice for Amy and he never made her regret this, he never failed to respect Amy and her family. Today she felt above happy for her daughter that she found a man like him to be his life partner. She gazed down at the little baby who had the most innocent and adorable look on his face.
"Then let's go to Amy's room and name him there," she suggested.
"You can name him before going to her, Vahide mom, I am sure she wouldn't mind it," Daniel mumbled remembering how she indirectly rejected their son before as he felt a pang in his heart.
"Ozan" she whispered slowly.
"Ozan Saritas!" Vahide said grinning and looking at Daniel.
"What do you say?" She asked warily that he might not like it.
"Perfect!" Daniel rasped registering the name in his mind before fondly gazing at his son. At the same time, baby ozan started to shift in his grandmother's arm and slowly opened his eyes for the first time. Daniel's breath hitched for the time being while Vahide stared amazed. His eyes were the exact steel blue colour like his father but a lighter shade. Daniel blinked away the tears that were threatening to leave his eyes as his son's gaze fell on him making him vow to protect him with his life and all he had. His heart was beating in an imperfect rhythm and he was afraid that it will stop beating counting the number of times his breath hitched today. Daniel proudly and lovingly stared at his little son planting a small kiss on his forehead.
"Welcome to the world Baby Ozan!"