When We Were Perfect - Chapter 47 - CHAPTER 47

Chapter 47 – CHAPTER 47
Amy proved in the months that followed, that she really didn't want to do anything with their child. Soon six months rolled in and Amy not once acknowledged ozan, she reverted back to her cases and work not after a month he was born. Clearly indicating that she wasn't going to play the maternal role she was supposed to, meaning Daniel had to take the role of both parents for his son and if it wasn't for Martha who mostly helped him in taking care of ozan, he would have cried out in frustration. Ozan was a pretty chilled baby but he still was a newborn who was dependent on others for his needs, he would only cry when he would be hungry or when he wanted his father's attention. Life wasn't like before it was way tough for Daniel, ozan was so attached to Daniel that sometimes all he wanted was his father and it was hectic for Daniel to manage his office, Silas position and a few months old child. For the first few months, he took an extended paternity leave passing forefront work to his assistant while working from home but eventually he had to get back to his empire. At that time he didn't know who to ask for help because if he went to Vahide then it would lead to an increase in her doubt and questions, he didn't have the answer to. That's when Martha stepped up to help him although she handled ozan pretty well because she is herself a mother of two grown-ups but sometimes ozan wouldn't stop bawling his eyes out yearning for his father's embrace, that's how much attached he was to Daniel. Once Daniel was in an important meeting when Martha called him panicked that ozan wasn't calming and constantly bawling his eyes out. He dashed home not even caring about his meeting because for him ozan was his first priority. When he went into his room Martha was cradling him singing a poem while he was wailing but the moment his eyes fell on Daniel his wailing turned into whimpers and he relaxed as soon Daniel held him in his embrace. He also realized that if Martha couldn't handle him, then no one could, so the option of hiring a nanny went out of the window. On the other hand, he couldn't behave unprofessionally all the time so the only situation that came to his mind was bringing ozan to his office, he arranged a crib and some of his toys in the room adjoining his office.
Everyone at the office was astonished when their CEO walked into the office with his baby in a baby carrier attached to his chest and ozan who had buried his face in his father's neck. Many awed at them and chattered about how doting father he was but many of them were curious when he begin to bring ozan with him almost every day that where his wife was? Daniel didn't pay any heed to them or their words, one look from him and everyone scattered away to their work like they had seen Lucifer because although he had never yelled or shouted at any of his employees, his stoic glance and expressionless face was enough to frighten them. He carried a powerful and professional aura around him during work. You come here for work, do your work and go back home. These words were explained to every employee. That expression always resembled the calm before storm and the fact that he fired many workers with the snap of his fingers because of negligence. He wasn't known as ruthless and ice king for no reason. During the meetings, he would ask Martha to tend to ozan. No one questioned it because Daniel Saritas was always devoted to his work. Even his rivals and investors were quite surprised and impressed that he handled his child without disturbing his work proving to them that he liked to multitask. But no one knew how hard he was working to keep on with everything around him. Daniel would sometimes feel his brain going numb from the burden but all that pressure and tiredness disappeared the moment ozan would smile at him.
Daniel jolted away from the files he was working on when he heard the shrieking sound of his son coming from the adjoining room. It was 5:15 in the evening and he was still stuck in the office working on a project. With a sigh of weariness, he went into his cabin adjoining his office as the sounds of Ozan's wails got louder. He peeked into the crib to see his six-month-old son sprawled on his back wailing but just like always as soon as he gazed at his father, he started to calm down and stretched his arms forward wanting to be picked by him. Daniel smiled tiredly while holding him in his arms, he whimpered before burying his face into his father's collar.
"You do that on purpose, just to get my attention right!" Daniel mumbled kissing his hairy head as ozan blabbered something in his childish way. Daniel walked back into his office holding him close and sat on his chair. He wiped the tears on his round face with tissues and smiled at how cute he was looking today in the giraffe onesie that he dressed him into with matching shoes and bib. Vahide gifted a lot of clothes to him and every time they met she would bring more and more clothes, she liked shopping and spending on his grandson a lot. At six months old Ozan Saritas was an adorable child with his father's eyes and mother's nose, he was a friendly child but couldn't stay longer in someone's company or hold other than his father and sometimes Martha. People at the office called him junior Saritas making Daniel feel a sudden swell of pride in him. On the other hand, what was troubling was Ozan's health although he wasn't underweight yet he wasn't healthy either. He went to his doctor once that it might not be good and he declared that he didn't get to have his mothers milk which was essential for a child during his early months. Ozan even vomited frequently when he was two months old because his stomach couldn't digest the formula milk-making Daniel's heart clench. Though the doctor recommended better formula milk that would be best to deal with his stomach yet he wasn't growing very healthy. He even consulted with the doctors outside his country, had a conversation with the worlds best paediatricians but they all recommended that every child has his growth rate and it will take some time for him to get used to it because there was no substitute for breastmilk. Daniel wanted to shake some sense into Amy for her hostility made their son suffer but for that, he needed her around him and she was not at home most of the time, to begin with. The only hope was that his health was not worsening and eventually progressing even if at a slower pace and he prayed that ozan would be perfectly healthy one day.
Ozan grabbed a pen from the pen holder and begin to nibble on it.
"No Ozan it's a bad habit to chew on everything placed around," Daniel said pulling out the pen from his mouth but ozan only tilted his head before he started to reach again for the pen. Daniel sighed and placed a blank paper on the desk in front of him while showing him to draw on it. A six-month-old child couldn't understand what he was saying but he enthusiastically took the pen and begin to draw lines on the page while the drool dripping from the corners of his mouth. Daniel smiled at his son's adorableness and kissed his head setting him on his thighs and going back to his files, a hand securely around him.
A knock resonated through the room.
"Come in!" Daniel responded engrossed in work. The black wooden door opened swiftly as Nadia stepped in and smiled at ozan. Daniel's gaze shifted to her and he raised his brows in a questioning manner.
"I just came to deliver these files to you," Nadia uttered quickly.
"Place them on the desk and leave!" Daniel ordered returning to his files, Nadia did as she was told before gazing up at Daniel and Ozan. Both father and son were determinedly busy in their respective works. Ozan was loosely holding the pen staining the white paper, his drool was falling on the paper as he continued to draw his masterpiece. She could tell that he would be like his father one day, intellectual and hardworking. Nadia giggled at her thoughts which caught Daniel's attention.
"What!" He said sternly, tiredness visible on his face. Nadia's face turned sad suddenly, seeing his burdened self. She didn't know why but it looked that things weren't right with him back at home and it certainly had something to do with Amy.