When We Were Perfect - Chapter 48 - CHAPTER 48

Chapter 48 – CHAPTER 48
Nadia's face turned sad suddenly, seeing his burdened self. She didn't know why but it looked that things weren't right with him back at home and it certainly had something to do with Amy.
"Your son is very cute!" Nadia responded. Daniel gazed at ozan and rasped.
"I know he is!"
"Are you still mad at me!" Nadia asked fidgeting on her feet with a cautious expression on her face. Daniel took a deep sigh dropping his pen on the desk, rubbing Ozan's back.
"I am not mad at you Nadia, I admit that I was once but not now. Though I am disappointed in you, I expected and needed you to act maturely at that time but you sided with that idiot." Daniel replied in a tired voice. In reality, he was tired of everything going around him, his life was swirling in anxiety and uncertainty.
"I am sorry Daniel, I wish I could help you but…!" Nadia mumbled with a forlorn expression.
"What's done is done Nadia, I don't want any unnecessary grudge or fight against anyone, I already have a lot on my plate!" Daniel muttered giving her a tight-lipped smile as Nadia simpered in return.
"Thank you, Daniel!" Nadia said delighted that after so many months he forgive her. Ozan again started sucking on the pen while pulling some of Daniel's hairs with his other hand making both him and Nadia laugh at him, Daniel softly freed his hair from his grip while taking the pen out of his mouth.
"He likes to have all my attention and for that, he either cries or pulls my hair!" Daniel said proudly pouting at his son who showed him a toothless grin before yawning.
"Looks like it's someone's nap time!" Nadia apprised.
"It's actually past his nap time!" Daniel said placing Ozan's head on his chest soothing his back.
"Daniel! Is everything alright between you and Amy!" Nadia blurted out the question that was going on in her mind for a long time.
Daniel stiffened hearing her question, his smile turned into a straight line as he hoisted himself up carefully with ozan closely held.
"I should leave for home now! It's ozan's nap time and soon he will get cranky!" Daniel said changing the topic and excusing himself.
"Uhm okay, have a good night!" Nadia replied nodding at him and leaving. As soon as the door shut, Daniel made his way to the room to collect Ozan's bag not wanting to burden his already troubled mind with the thoughts of Amy.
Meanwhile, Nadia walked towards her cubicle, not many people were around here as it was off time. Looking around, she took out her phone from the bag and dialled a number.
"Hello!" Came a familiar voice after two or three rings.
The gates opened as Lance drove through the driveway and stopped the car outside the main doors. Daniel stepped out of it with an asleep ozan clutched to his chest. Shifting him to one arm, he entered inside his house which was quiet, as usual, the only difference was that there were Ozan's wails and giggles whenever they were home now. He saw through his peripheral vision Martha walking towards them with her small smile.
"Welcome back Master!" She greeted while extending her arms for Ozan as Daniel ever so gently placed him in her arms before straightening his tie and button-up.
"He isn't going to be hungry for a few hours, I already fed him just lay him down in his crib for now while I take shower," Daniel said stretching his stiff arms as Martha nodded.
"Is Amy home?" Daniel asked tiredly already knowing the answer.
"No, master she hasn't arrived yet!" Martha informed before walking in the direction of Ozan's nursery. Daniel sighed and glanced at the clock it was seven in the evening, he dialled Neil's number which he picked at the first ring.
"Mr Saritas!" Came a baritone voice.
"Neil! Is Amy still at her workplace?" He asked undoing his tie.
"Yes! Mr Saritas she's still there!" Neil informed.
"Okay then," with that Daniel tossed his phone on the couch and went to take a shower.
Amy was back to her hostile and distant behaviour, going to work early and returning late not even once glancing properly at his son or husband not that she did before but Daniel was hoping that Ozan would change her abrasiveness but it was entirely opposite. Ozan's birth was like a trigger for her to distance herself even more from everything other than her work if it was even possible. She would sometimes miss their weekly meet up with Vahide which would leave Daniel alone to make excuses that were nearly equal to passing through a trial in front of Vahide but he was more thankful for having Ozan who would divert her attention every time. At this point, Daniel chucked out every hope of having a relationship with Amy because she apparently threw him out of the place he once had in her heart and the hurtful and damaging part was that he didn't even know what his fault was. Maybe he could get used to this but the nerve-wracking thing was her behaviour towards their son. Sure he had seen the cruelty of the world but never in his imagination he ever thought that someone as warm and affectionate as Amy would do this to her own flesh and blood. He wanted so badly to hear her voice, to see her smiling face but with each passing day, it was becoming a wish only. He didn't know what to feel at this stage of his life, he was a patient man but with this attitude of Amy, his patience was running out of control.
He was irritated, hurt but more importantly worried because she was his love, his tesoro. It worried him every time she came home late knowing that there was danger lurking around her despite all the safety precautions. It would irritate him, hurt him that she didn't even flash a single glimpse at her own child, like, he was an abomination. He knew how it feels to grow up without your parent's love and he didn't Ozan to be deprived of his mother's love, he could never allow his son to suffer something like that. That's why he tried many times to bring Amy close to Ozan, asking her to accompany him during Ozan's initial checkups or when it was time for his shots or when he went out to buy some more stuff for him but every time her blunt answer would be that she had more important things to do. Like, seriously what could be more important than your own child. Whenever she was home, sitting on the terrace or living room, Daniel would deliberately bring Ozan and sit near her to make her see him or melt her heart only for her to warily stare at them and walk away.
What made her wary of them and ignore both the father-son like they were non-existent. Questions after questions would jump into his mind until he would push them away to focus on his son and work.
Changing into his pyjama bottoms and sweatshirt, Daniel went to Ozan's nursery that was close to his room, raking his wet hair. Everything about Ozan's nursery was of neutral colours. The walls were painted like the colour of the sky while the crib and dresser were of light yellow colours adding a homey feeling to the room. He designed it without any help and even painted the room all by himself and when it was completed he couldn't feel more proud of himself. Along with the cloudy patches on the wall, he hung a picture of him and Amy from their wedding, it was one of Daniel's favourites. Both of them were walking down the aisle with Daniel ahead with a smile holding Amy's hand while the guests threw flowers and confetti's on them. Although Amy's smile was small yet it was a beautiful picture.
Daniel smiled at the sight of his son who was sleeping without any care of the world sprawled on the mattress of his crib. Mouth ajar with some drool dried at the side of his lips, he was a heavy sleeper just like his mother. Daniel remembered how clueless he was during his early months as he was his first child, sometimes he would ask Martha and other times ring Vahide but all in all, he got a hold of everything soon and now he handled Ozan like a pro. His eyes lowered towards his son's angelic face as his eyes glistened a bit. He was the reason Daniel smiled and laughed at the content of his heart during these last six months observing his growth and interacting with everyone around. He was his haven just like his mother, a person he loved to death and would trade the world for and he felt grateful for such a blessing.