When We Were Perfect - Chapter 52 - CHAPTER 52

Chapter 52 – CHAPTER 52
"Not again—-not again," Kevin mumbles beside Amy his eyes on the screen concentrating hard but only to grumble at last.
Amy looks at him annoyed with a glare. It's been a hell of a month for them as they continue to find solid evidence against Gonsalez but again he managed to wipe every single one at the last the moment.
"Such a waste of time, sometimes I believe that he is playing a sick game with us," Kevin mutters shutting off the computer after finding no new report on him. Amy slammed the desk in frustration and slumped on her chair.
"Does Abek find anything?" Amy spoke turning towards Kevin.
"Yes one of his alliance men assistant disclosed that he is involved in human trafficking, he has a certain group of men that abducts women and then sells them off," Kevin informed which made Amy cringe hearing about such inhumane activities.
"Then what are we waiting for we should take that person to court as a witness," Amy hopefully said looking at Kevin
"I wish we could Amy when our officer went to meet him next time he was found dead. A bullet straight through his head," Kevin stated with a gruff.
" Then why didn't you guys took him in surveillance."
"We were going to but that man said that Gonsalez didn't know about him,"
" So you freaking believed that! Is your team-high on something Kevin," Amy demanded in a menacing tone.
"I won't say that it was a good thing to ignore the threat but at that time they did what was right," Kevin retorted.
"Are you shitting me right now?" Amy stood from his chair. Kevin wanted to roll his eyes considering how hot-headed she was instead of looking at the things in a calm way she reacted abruptly. Maybe that was the reason other officials didn't want her in this case in the first place.
"Can we focus on more important things right now, instead of bemoaning what happened already," Kevin grumbles in annoyance. The anger in her eyes faded before she slumps back into the chair.
"What are going to do now," Amy muttered.
"We found some illegal transactions in the bank account related to his business." Amy looked at him attentively urging him to continue.
"It is strong evidence Amy that may reveal other things about his business. "
"Where are the records of these transactions," Amy queried.
"This proof is secure in a bank in Ankara, I have an officer keeping tabs on it, " Kevin enlightens her. Gonsalez was a very wicked person who takes his approach differently than others giving rise to him making him almost impossible to catch. He had constructed empires of his clean business to hide the dirt of his trafficking business. He always knows how to keep his activities clean.
Gonzalez was not a very bad person but after getting some wealth he took his approach into this kind of world tempted by the power it could give and before realizing he was far too gone in this blood and dirt.
" I see Ankara," she says leaning back on her chair.
"Yes, I think I should leave immediately with my team before he gets to reach there before us," Kevin grumbles remembering their past two unsuccessful attempts.
"Yeah I think we should leave as soon as possible," Amy said determinedly.
" You don't need to come, Amy, we will be fine with it", Kevin uttered.
"What do you mean by I shouldn't come? " Amy asked.
"It could take a month Amy," Kevin hinted
"So…." Amy trailed looking at him.
"Amy you have an infant son at home, do you think you can leave him alone for such a long time," Kevin asked curiously
Amy's body tensed as she grappled anxiously to find the right words.
"You know I am more sincere with this job right now," Amy shrugged, different explanations Jumbled in her mind to avoid this situation she dreaded always. Kevin looked perplexed by her lack of proper response
" I thought being a mother comes first," He mumbled
"Kevin don't you think you are getting off the hook now. You don't need to worry about my child he has a father to look after him." Amy responded coming back at him. But her mind started nagging her again.
"I am sorry I didn't mean to pry Amy, it's just I was curious, " he responded.
"You should think more about this case rather than my personal life," Amy said harshly before collecting her files and grabbing her bag.
"It's getting late Kevin, send me the details about the trip when you are done or inform Talia if I am busy."
"Sure, I will Amy Goodbye" he included watching her leaving his office. Her presence always made him wonder how does his family behave with her. She wasn't like this when he met her before, it was like a life filled her with venom or something but could he blame her, Kevin thought shaking his head and getting back to his work.
The doorbell rang indicating the arrival of a visitor. Naomi rushed to the door to see who was there. She opened the door to Amy who stood there.
"Amy what a surprise!" she exclaimed.
" Yeah I just wanted to see mom, is she awake?" Amy asked hanging her coat on the stand before walking into the living room.
"We just had dinner, she is in Ayla's room," Naomi started closing the door, coming after her.
"What is she doing there? " Amy asked concerned.
"I don't know but she usually spends some time in her room before going to sleep," Naomi said.
"Well, I will go see her! " Amy said walking to Ayla's room her mind filling with old memories of her elder sister. Slowly she turned the doorknob and entered inside. Vahide was sitting on the bed looking at some of Ayla's accessories.
"Mom" Amy rasped looking at her mother. Vahide turned in her direction and quickly wiped away her tear.
"Amy, what are doing here at this time?" she asked surprised. Amy chuckled and went to sit beside her mother before hugging her.
" Can't I visit my mom anymore?" she uttered smiling at her mother.
" You can Amy I was just surprised, By the way, you came alone where is my ozan." She asked.
"uh I came directly from work mom, " Amy replied
"That's the thing nagging me Amy, isn't it a little too soon for you to work again, and also this late." Vahide persisted.
"Well, I – " no matter how she tackled others with her snapping and ignorance, she knew her mother was not the one to deal with easily.
"Amy you should try to spend some more time with your son, I have seen lately when Daniel brings him alone on weekends and you aren't there, more importantly, it looks like he is the only one taking care of him." Vahide scolded her. Suddenly the room started to feel warm despite the cool of the air conditioning.
"Mom, I try to manage it as much as I can " Amy lied hurriedly.
"Really! then why do I feel you are lying then." Vahide scowled eyeing her.
Amy sighed before laying her head on her mother's lap.
" Mom it's not easy, sometimes I feel tired."
Vahide patted her daughter's hair.
"Being a mother is never easy my child, you have to sacrifice a lot of things."
" I am not talking about motherhood Mom" Amy whispered making Vahide look down at her.
"Then what,"
"It's this life Mom, it's taking a toll on me. I didn't want these things which are surrounding me today, I had my whole life planned out mom and everything just crumbled away," Vahide stunned hearing her words.
"Amy life never happens according to our plans if we all could plan our lives then what was the purpose of destiny huh?"
"You should let go of those things which trouble you and look at the positive things around you my child." she continued gently messaging her scalp making Amy wanting to sleep there in her mother's lap.
"I wish I could let go of things easily mom,'' she answered
" You can Amy look at the beautiful things around you, you have an adorable son and a doting husband at home. Try to give some extra time to them and make the best use of the time you got with them, not everyone has a family like this. Be thankful" Vahide reprimanded softly. Amy felt herself lulling into sleep not caring about the last words her mother uttered.
"Now don't sleep here Ozan and Daniel must be waiting for you," Vahide said nudging her out of her sleepy state.
"Mom, I am beginning to think you don't love me anymore," Amy grumbled tying her hair in a bun.
"I love you my child but there are two more people who need your attention and love, " Vahide said softly.
"Whatever" Amy mumbled before dragging herself to the outside of her house with her mother trailing behind her.
"Next time bring ozan with you, I miss my grandson," Vahide said fondly while Amy nodded stifle before kissing her mother on the cheeks and sitting in her car driving to her so-called marital home.