When We Were Perfect - Chapter 53 - CHAPTER 53

Chapter 53 – CHAPTER 53
The snow was falling soundlessly on the ground beautifying everything where it fell. There weren't many people around only a few children playing in the snow, some throwing snowballs at one another. The sight itself was refreshing, seeing them laugh and play innocent without a care of the world, not even worried about the struggles of life waiting for them in the future. Daniel clutched his coat tighter, smiling at those kids before walking to the front door of the orphanage, that had been his home for many years. It was an old building, weather-beaten but still quaint and the most important thing was it provided shelter to many poor, orphan and homeless children. Every year, Daniel gave a hefty amount of sum for its renovation and expenditures. He suffered and went through some indescribable things and that's why he didn't want others to suffer from it.
Today he decided to visit Gran(the one who used to take care of him and other children at the orphanage). It has been quite a long time since he last visited this place. He hadn't had any meeting today and Vahide took Ozan with him for the evening, so he considered it a good time to meet Gran. His growing business and now Ozan had really snatched any free time from Him, not that he complained about it, they both were important parts of his life. Daniel entered the building that was his home for eleven years, the place still had a homey vibe to it but still, it could not erase the terrifying insults and things he endured here.
A loud voice called, Daniel turned around facing the woman who took care of him and Silas all her life standing near the front archway. She was in her 60's but still healthy and serious as usual dressed in a sophisticated manner and modestly with her greyish hair tied in a bun. She was never the one to show emotions and if she did, they were never intense except when she used to reprimand them but despite this nature of her, she cared for everyone around.
"I thought you forget that I existed!" She said in an offended manner walking towards him.
"No Gran! I really missed you but many things in my life need more attention and time. There is a lot of stuff to deal with!" Daniel replied hugging her tightly. If it wasn't for this woman, Daniel would be lying dead in that alley. He was ever thankful to this woman in his embrace, she welcomed him and leaned back giving a tight-lipped smile but Daniel didn't missed the fond look in her eyes.
"Yes! I see it every day in magazines.' Billionaire tycoon Daniel Saritas got hitched, Handsome tycoon is now a father' etc etc." Daniel chuckled.
"Yes! I am a father now and I will surely bring Ozan one day, for you to meet him!" He said glancing around the room.
"Why not but do bring him in my life!" She said before marching towards the kitchen.
"You aren't going anywhere Gran, look at yourself still healthy and active, looking after this household!"
"I just don't like to be dependent on anyone Daniel, by the way, you came at the right time. I was baking your favourite cookies," She said picking up a bowl and whisking the contents in it. Wrinkles were visible in her hands as she worked on making the batter.
"I should consider myself lucky then!" Daniel simpered standing near the counter.
"Why don't you go and have a look around while I prepare them and then we can sit around and have a chat!" The old woman said wearing her baking gloves and setting the tray.
"Yeah, sure! I will just have a tour and see how things go around here!" Daniel said stepping outside the main kitchen.
He could evidently see the changes that we're done in the household. Many new rooms were added along with a small game room and a library. Many children were in the warmth of their rooms while others were playing or doing their activities as he saw them while passing through the corridor. Many children gave him curious glances while some greeted him shyly. Daniel climbed the flight of stairs reaching the second floor, towards the end of the hall coming across a room. It still looked vacant to him as he opened the door, a wave of nostalgia hit him as he stepped inside, gazing at every little thing. Everything was the same, the two single beds separated by a nightstand on the right side of the room with a shady wooden desk and chair on the left side near the small window. The window was the favourite part of this room for Daniel as he would look at the open sky at night times, basking in the only peaceful moments he had. The posters of pop music artists were glued to the wall the same way as Silas pasted them. He smiled remembering those antics and carefree attitude of Silas, he was always the coolest and popular one while Daniel was the lonely and unwanted one. Daniel sauntered towards the window, sitting on the wooden edge, he gazed outside. Kids were playing around near the front house, he remembered the time when people used to bully him. Those words were a part of his nightmares that still mocked him.
At the last line, a lump formed in his throat as he harshly swallowed it. His grey-blue eyes depicting a storm of emotions that he bottled in himself.
A memory flickered in his mind.
A 13-year-old boy sat on the ground near his bed hugging his knees as the voices of children of his age and some elder than him ringed in his ears. He still couldn't fathom how someone can be that cruel to laugh at others misery, how can someone make another person feel worthless and humiliate him to no end.
"Hey! You worthless creep, stop sitting there and do our homework now!" One of the boys that were his age said with a laugh but he didn't responded.
"Don't you hear what he is saying, here do our homework!" The other kid said throwing books on his face. Daniel winced when they hit his nose and forehead, tears gathered in his eyes but he knew that he would be dead as the day if he replied to any of them, they were that dangerous. Sometimes he cried in anger that how pathetic he was to not stand up for himself but how could he when all his childhood he had learnt to zip his mouth and embrace whatever destiny threw his way. He was at that stage when he didn't even utter a single word about his pain to anyone because he always thought he wasn't worthy enough to drag the people around him in his mess. What was the purpose anyway, they were right about everything they said to him! These things used to flow in his mind and he would just succumb to them and their punches.
The pain in his ribs and stomach from the beating yesterday was enough reminder. What was his fault? He failed to complete their school project which they passed to him.
"Are you deaf now!!" The big one said causing others to laugh.
"Looks like you need some motivation! What say, boys?" He said with a wicked smile grabbing one of Daniel's arms and yanking him harshly on the floor, his head hitting the nightstand quite harshly. One of them kicked him in his abdomen while others continued to laugh and throw insults at him. Daniel remained on the floor wincing like always giving in to his fate.
"What the hell are you guys doing!!!!!!" The door opened revealing a shocked and angry looking Silas.
"We are just giving this twink a lesson for not listening to us!"
One of the kids laughed, Silas glanced at them with sheer anger.
"Get out of here before I tell Gran about this and you all know how much she listens to whatever I say to her!" Silas grumbled, warning evident in his voice. They all gave him a deadly glare before marching out not before one of them shoved him to the side. Silas muttered several curses to him, rubbing his shoulder before his gaze fell on Daniel. Worry and concern etched on his face for his friend, he immediately rushed to him, grabbing his waist and helping him to sit. Daniel sat there as tears rolled down his face as he let their words hammer his mind. Silas hugged him closely, his own eyes glossy.
"It will be okay bro, one day it will all be fine!" He said assuring him.