When We Were Perfect - Chapter 54 - CHAPTER 54

Chapter 54 – CHAPTER 54
"Daniel are you okay!"
He heard Gran's voice behind snapping him out of his trance. Those countless terrifying thoughts that haunted him every single day of his life, the nightmares and fears that surrounded him making him fall into an abyss. He cleared his mind and looked behind, hoisting himself from the window. Gran's perturbed eyes stared at him.
"Yeah, just going through some old memories!" He replied dusting off the dirt from his blazer and buttoning it. She was still unsettled about his reply but nonetheless nodded.
"I came to call you downstairs for the cookies,"
"I am right behind you Gran!" Daniel responded following her downstairs before shutting the door of his once old room.
As soon as they settled in the living room, Gran placed a plate of chocolate chip cookies with black coffee and a little milk, the way Daniel would prepare for himself sometimes and before she even got a chance to sit, Daniel started munching the cookies like a small child.
"Umm, they are still good as before Gran. Believe me, they are seasoned to perfection!" Daniel said before taking picking another cookie from the plate and savouring it. He wasn't a fan of sweet things, he only used to have ice cream when Amy would force him to eat during their movie marathon but after that, it was a distant thing for him. The only thing he liked in this matter was Gran's cookies.
"Thank you, Daniel, eat as many as you want!"
The old woman smiled draping her woollen shawl around her shoulders. She shook her head at the mature man sitting in front of her devouring cookies like a child who got a treat.
After eating two or three cookies, Daniel started sipping his coffee relaxing in the comfort of the moment which was rare to find for him these days.
"How's everything going here, do you need any help with funds?" Daniel asked placing his mug beside on the small tea table.
"It's going perfectly fine here Daniel and I am truly thankful for the help and money your company gives as a donation. Many children here now get the opportunity to study and play. I even added a game room and library for them and I feel content when they smile and live their lives despite their history that landed them here. Trying to overcome the shortcomings of life and the reward goes to you!" She praised him.
"No need to say thank you, Gran. Every child deserves a right to live his life to the fullest, they should not suffer from the trauma and cruelty that fate flung at them. I have been in their shoe once and I know how it feels to long for things other children around you have, everyone should be a given chance at life, make themselves something to be looked upon. The happiness and smile radiating off them are enough for me!" Daniel said smiling at the children that were watching cartoons on the t.v perched on the carpet near the living room. Gran looked proudly at him. The once small boy she found barely breathing in the alley near her hometown.
"I am proud of you Daniel, of the person you have become!" She started drawing his attention from the children.
"You didn't let the bitterness of the world consume you, although most people call you the ice king but no one knows how much of a generous heart you have. You worked hard, spend days and nights doing part-time jobs, building everything from scrap and reaching such a position in just eight years. I never said it before Daniel but you are more than people tell you and I am proud of what you have become after enduring all such horrible things." She retorted with pride, admiration clear in her eyes leaving Daniel surprised to see her showing emotions, he had never seen her smile like that before. His own heart swelled with the fact that she didn't consider him pathetic and weak at least there was someone who admired him for the person he struggled to become.
Daniel smiled before he walked to her and sat beside her, gently taking her hands in his large ones.
"I feel happy to learn that you feel proud of me but you are the one who needs to be praised. If it wasn't for you, I would be lying dead somewhere with no one to bury me. You have a huge part in what I am today and I am indebted to you Gran, thank you!" Daniel uttered with sincerity dripping from his words, giving her the most genuine smile he could.
"God bless you, my child!" She replied gently caressing his cheek and patting his shoulder.
"I forget to ask! Where is that idiot Silas?" She questioned out of a sudden remembering him.
"Uhm, he is out of town for a project Gran," Daniel replied stiffly.
"Really, it's been a long time since he came too. Ask him to visit me if he can!" Gran said recalling his pranks and antics.
"Sure, I will!" Daniel replied rather in a hard tone making her notice the change in his voice upon Silas name. It was strange for her as they both were very close to each other as brothers. She decided to ask but then pushed aside the thought not wanting to disturb him.
"Anyways how's everything at your home. I am quite sure that you are not only one of the biggest businessmen but also a great husband and father!" Daniel's posture faltered as sudden tiredness took over his features.
"Sometimes it's not easy Gran, being enough is not enough! Fate still likes to play its games with you like you are his only captive. I feel fate is a tormentor in disguise!" Daniel mumbled letting go of her hands and straightening himself giving her a small smile.
His words were deep, she couldn't get a grasp of the meaning behind but it was evident that everything in his life wasn't smooth like it seemed to the world.
"Have you turned a poet now!" She asked trying to get a hint of something about his personal life. Daniel chuckled facing her, although he had masked his emotions but still there was weariness in his steely eyes. The lines on his forehead were becoming a little too prominent for his age.
"No! Gran. I was just voicing some facts out!" He replied.
"Why such negative thoughts?" She asked squinting her eyes a little making the wrinkles a bit more evident. Daniel smiled sadly gazing at hand, the wedding band that shined on his ring finger.
"Nothing just caught up in a mess!" He shrugged nonchalantly.
"Then let go of what's messing your life!" She expressed her thought that seemed to her to be the only thing suitable for him.
"Why does everyone say that I should 'let go'. It's not that easy Gran to let go when something is so deeply attached to your mind and heart!" He retorted recalling the same thing that Burak told him a few days ago.
"I don't know Daniel what's troubling you Daniel but sometimes letting go is better than holding on!"
Daniel sat there still pondering over her words, his face turned into contemplating one. Gran placed a hand on his shoulder.
"You look like a lover!" She said staring at him.
"Why would you say that!" Daniel asked dumbfounded, glancing at the old lady who ran such a busy household. She just perched her spectacles higher on her nose.
"Sometimes we put up walls around our heart to guard our emotions but the people who we care about have the power to crumble them away within a minute. I see that emotion in your eyes Daniel when you are at the edge of fighting for something that you don't want to lose at all." Gran said giving him a tight-lipped smile. Daniel stared thunderstruck at her, Was he that easy to read?.
"I didn't know you could read that much about me!"
She chuckled in return.
"You and Silas have spend a part of your life here under my care Daniel, I have seen you guys grow up!" Daniel bit the insides of his cheeks not wanting her to ask something he didn't have the answer to. He stood up from the sofa, glancing at his watch.
"You are really something Gran and as much as I would love to spend more time with you, I have to get back. Ozan must be throwing a tantrum around, waiting for me!" He exhaled sharply, forcing a smile and reaching down to kiss both her cheeks.
"You can visit this old lady anytime and I hope next time you bring your family with you. I would love to meet them!" She muttered.
"I will, one day!" Daniel replied uncertainly.
Gran smiled at him before escorting him out of the building. The chilly wind wrapping around them. On the way out, a young lady handed her box which she passed to Daniel.
"These are some cookies for Ozan and your wife!" Daniel took the box from her hands.
"Thanks, Gran, Goodbye!" she nodded with a Cheshire smile as Daniel turned towards his car.