When We Were Perfect - Chapter 55 - CHAPTER 55

Chapter 55 – CHAPTER 55
Ozan was crying his eyes out today and not even Daniel was able to make him calm today, he continued to whimper as his loud sobs resonated in the lounge. His face was getting red from the crying, his eyes closed and his hands turned into fists as he clung to his father's shoulders. Daniel tried to soothe him, trying everything that could help but to no avail. He fed him twice, changed his diaper, clothes but his wails didn't stop. He also wanted to cry with him out of exhaustion and it was only seven in the morning, Martha had gone to visit his son so he didn't have anyone to help him and Amy she was as usual off to work early not that she would tend to Ozan otherwise. Ozan began to struggle out of his hold, his tear-stained face making Daniel worried about him. He never cried like this before, sure he would wail when Daniel wasn't around him buy this time his wails were louder like something was making him uncomfortable.
"Ozan! Please stop crying now I am getting worried!" Daniel mumbled caressing his back while cradling him. But the little child only stared at his father with glossy eyes while whimpering. His light grey-blue eyes matching the colour of his sky blue onesie.
"I think I should call your doctor!" Daniel said concerned moving towards the couch to pick his phone but right at the moment, Martha scurried into the lounge scared after hearing Ozan's loud wails.
"Master, what happened?" She asked rushing to take a look at the crying baby. Daniel felt relieved seeing Martha,
"Thank goodness you are back Matha!" He said a bit relieved.
"My son went back to his training, so I decided to come back but he is okay!" She asked worriedly. Daniel shrugged cradling ozan.
"I don't know myself, he has been crying like this for an hour now! I tried everything from changing his diaper to feeding him and even giving him a pacifier but only threw it away!" Daniel said in a surrendered tone. Martha stepped forward gently taking the whimpering child from his arms and started to draw soothing circles on his back.
"Master you don't need to worry, he is teething so it's quite common for children to become grumpy, I will take him to his nursery and try bathing him. Sometimes it soothes children." She informed. Daniel almost face palmed himself.
"Damn! I forget about bathing him!" Martha noticed his appearance, he was still in his nightclothes with bed hair, slight bags evident under his eyes. His shirt was soaked in tears at chest and shoulder. Martha felt sympathy for him. Not only he managed his company but he also cares for and looks after his child.
"You work till late Master and as I said it's quite common for him to be this grumpy, don't blame yourself I will go and bathe him." She said carrying a wailing ozan to his nursery. Daniel exhaled stretching his back and neck, plopping on the sofa, closing his eyes for a while. Although it was Sunday, he still had a lot of work to do. Daniel had decided to expand his business in Europe and America, opening new branches there and investing in the automobile industry and for that, he had a lot of planning and work to do. He started the project two years back when he had no idea of being a father otherwise he would have delayed it knowing how much it was a struggle handling a child alone.
The front door of the house opened revealing Ashton who walked in holding a tab and some files in his hands.
"Good Morning Sir!" He greeted making Daniel jerk from his position and stare at him baffled.
"Good Morning! What brings you here Ashton!" Daniel asked trying to remember that if he had anything on his schedule today which he failed to remember.
"I didn't want to disturb you sir but you forgot to sign these files so I brought them here. Also to give a reminder about the event you have to attend in two days!" Ashton notified making him frown as he stood from the couch.
"What event are you talking about!" He asked perplexed.
"Sir you are to be awarded as the businessman of the year and the organizers thought why not give it to you on your birthday which was nearby!" Ashton mentioned. Making him remember that it was his 29th birthday in two days. But who cares right!
"What! How can they plan it on their own and why are you informing me that at the eleventh hour. I could be busy that day Ashton!" Daniel said raising his voice making Ashton shudder. The truth was he wasn't angry that they scheduled it for his birthday, he was angry that it would be an event now and Amy should be there with him. They could have taken his interview in a show and awarded him there.
"I informed you about it earlier sir but maybe it slipped out of your mind!" Ashton replied cautiously. Daniel looked around in frustration, his chest heaving up and down.
"Is there anything that could be done to delay or cancel it!" He huffed.
"I am sorry sir but no the press will be there along with all the employees of Soft-tech and the business community will be in attendance. It is going to be a big day for you!" Ashton muttered warily,
Daniel raked his fingers through his already messy hair. Sure, it was one of the greatest achievements of his life being awarded as the businessman of the year third time in a row and everyone was going to be there but he hadn't been to any event after ozan's birth and most importantly Amy, will she agree to go with him. But it was too late now, he had to try to make her attend that event.
"Fine! make arrangements for that and next time inform me on time or otherwise consider yourself in trouble!" Daniel responded firmly taking the files from his hand and walking back to sit on the sofa. Ashton nodded quickly and in an instant left the house not wanting his job to be gone.
Martha came downstairs wiping her hands with her white apron cloth.
"Where's ozan?" Daniel asked placing the files beside him.
"The moment I bathed and changed him, he was out like a flash!" Martha chuckled before placing the baby monitor screen near him and went to do her chores in the kitchen. Daniel sighed relieved about Ozan but then his mind drifted to Amy and how he is going to talk to her because she was hardly home to be seen these days. It was one of the milestones of his life and Amy should be present there. He recalled the last event they went to and how it ended in sleeping them together though in his heart he would never regret that night because it gave him his precious son, a new hope that was at the cost of his already weakening relationship with Amy yet that night was always be a bittersweet memory for him.
Later that night, Daniel was standing near the fireplace in the living room, taking in the heat is provided in the chilly weather. Soon after he heard the noise of her heels clicking on the marble floor making him aware that she was going to pass through the living room. Seeing Daniel, Amy paused and rolled her eyes. Dressed elegantly in a golden silk blouse tugged in white pants with a white jacket, sophisticated as always, her black hairs in a ponytail with minimal makeup. She was always a fan of a natural look., she wasn't skinny or too slim but rather had a little curvy body, that couldn't be called fat, she maintained herself even after ozan, not anything like she was in school but even then he liked her.
"Don't get started now that why I am late!" She retorted. Does she always have to be this harsh and couldn't she for once ask about him or Ozan? Daniel snapped out of his thoughts about her looks,
"No! Actually I had a favour to ask from you!" Daniel said stepping closer.
"What it is?" She asked already in an uninterested tone.
"There's an award function arranged for me on my birthday and everyone is going to be there even the media. I want you to attend it with me!" Daniel said swiftly, hoping for a positive response.
"Really, you consider me to be on your beck and call!" She said irritated. Daniel so badly wanted to remove that attitude and negativity from that thick head of hers but in a resigned tone, he said.
"No, but I want my best friend to be there who supported and cheered me on my every success!"
Amy contemplated for a moment staring at his face.
"Fine! I will be there!" She said nonchalantly before trudging upstairs. Daniel sighed thankfully that she agreed.
The day of the event arrived but Amy was still nowhere to be seen in the house. Thinking that maybe she was a little late, Daniel placed the blanket on ozan's sleeping figure and kissed his forehead tenderly before he went to ring Amy but it went to voicemail every time he called her. Giving up he finally rang Talia,
"Mr Saritas!" she greeted picking the call.
"Talia! Where is Amy!"
"Mr Saritas she is in court right now but I will inform her about your call!" She answered
"Yes please, and do tell her that she needs to arrive at the event!"
"Sure, Mr Saritas!" Talia said ending the call.
His heart dropped, he already told her about how important it was for him. With a disappointed face, he walked out of his house.