When We Were Perfect - Chapter 58 - CHAPTER 58

Chapter 58 – CHAPTER 58
Chapter 58
Somewhere in Turkey….
Two men were standing outside an office waiting. After few minutes, they were allowed to enter inside. They both got in the office.
The office was quite dark, the only illuminating thing was the fireplace. The office was quite big about the size of an apartment, one of the men held his breath due to the stench of alcohol and cigarette in the room. At the far end of the room was his desk where he stood like a king having a puff of his cigar.
"Report your mission," He said in a baritone voice.
"Boss, Kevin and Amy got to know that Mert is in jail, they went to interrogate him. Also, Kevin has requested to transfer Mert to a torture cell for further interrogation," one of the men started making him stare at them.
"Has he been shifted there," he asked.
"Yes, in a day or two," the man said. On hearing this, he went silent for a moment before crushing the burning cigar in his hands.
"Damn it, that woman is not going to back down" he muttered standing from his chair striding towards the fireplace. A deep scar running down from his head to the side of his eye, making both the men cringe. His muscled body and height were enough to scare someone.
"Boss, I don't think Mert will utter a single word about you, he has been loyal to you since the very first day besides he is your cousin,"
"There is no doubt, he is loyal but every loyal man has a weakness and when it comes to weaknesses, that fucker becomes soft-hearted." He growled.
"Mr Gonsalez, I think we have an upper hand in this case since they hadn't been able to find a single thing against us yet." The other one said.
"I know but that woman is persistent, I thought killing her sister would scare her but instead it fueled her more than before. She deserves a compliment for her bravery, that feisty little thing," Gonsalez muttered with an evil glint in his eyes.
"Why don't we do the same with her, kill her like Ayla,"
Gonsalez's face turned into a sinister smile.
"They already doubt me because of this case, killing her when she is kept in a close guard, that will put us in the red zone," he said staring at the burning fire.
"In addition to Investigation keeping a track of her, she has two additional bodyguards with her." Gonzalez turned his face towards the men.
"What do you mean?"
"They are a part of his husband's team Daniel Saritas," one informed.
Gonzalez chuckled." She has got herself a very rich and powerful person as a husband. On top of that, he is my business rival, how many years I have spent to defeat him but he always rises above me," He sneered.
"Boss, are you sure letting her roam freely is safe for us, she might get to us one day considering her determination. She looks like a person on a mission to end you." One man said only to get punched in return. Gonsalez stood hovering above him, his fist clenched while the second man started to shiver.
"No one and I mean no one can end me you fool," he roared. The man trembled before him holding his bloody nose.
"I-I am s-sorry boss, I was just giving my thought, "
"Keep your bloody thoughts to yourself," he growled before walking back and taking his seat. The man raised himself still afraid, Gonzalez was not a person who would think before shooting one in the head.
"If I wanted I could have killed her in the first place but I wanted her to suffer because of her my brother is in jail and secondly she dared to slap and humiliate me," Gonzalez gritted, the veins on his neck popping out.
"Don't worry, her day will come too but first let her work on this case. I want her to get riled up when every clue leads her to a dead end. Not only this will clear my image when she fails this case but also it will end her life because no one dares to humiliate me and then get away from it." Gonsalez said with a sinister smile on his face creeping the two men.
"What do you want us to do boss?"
"Keep an eye on her, everything related to this case should reach me first. Did you get it," He retorted looking dead in their eyes. The two men immediately nodded.
"Yes, boss!!" They both muttered at the same time.
"Great, now get lost, " he growled lighting up a cigar. Not wasting another minute, the two men rushed out of his office making him chuckle.
"You are messing with the wrong person again my dear Amy," he whispered looking at the puff of his cigar.
Back in Istanbul….
Sweat soaked his shirt as he continued running on the treadmill. A soft melody playing in his ears just how he likes it in the mornings. It's been quite a few days since Amy left for Ankara but this time he didn't bother to call her, what was the use anyway when she would decline it or not even bother to reply. It was hurting to know that he wasn't even worth an explanation. It wasn't like he gave up on her, he was tired, tired of being ignored, disregarded and rejected. But what was more hurting was the fact that he didn't know what was his fault, was it to love her above and beyond everything.
He found her during the worst part of his life, she had always been the glimmer of light in his pitch-black bottom stage life. Her smile would light up his world, her embrace would take him out of his haunted past. But where are those moments now and what did he do to deserve her hostility. It was a question he asked himself daily but always his heart remained silent because truly it was a puzzle that will unravel itself with time.
After his workout, he stretched, his back cracking when he did. After feeling more active and awake he stumbled to his bathroom, where he ran the water as hot as he could stand it and washed his face, then shaved realizing that his hairs are long enough to be trimmed. But could you blame a full time working man and single father to not pay attention to himself? After taking a steamy shower he went to his room and picked out a dark grey business suit with a blue shirt.
"Daniel are you fifty or something, how can you wear such dark colours," A young Amy pouted at Daniel who went to her house wearing a dark coloured shirt.
"But I like to wear them tesoro," Daniel replied frowning looking at his shirt. Amy facepalmed herself while opening the door wide open for him to enter.
"You suck in fashion sense, Daniel, what makes you wear such colours,"
"I just like them, Tesoro, they reflect my personality somehow," he whispered the last part. Amy just scrunched her nose and grabbed his hand startling him.
"Come on you old man, I will show you my latest shopping and maybe give you some ideas about the latest trends otherwise no one is going to date you," She said dashing off with him towards her room as Daniel chuckled behind her.
A small smile crept on his face as he wore his suit and then went downstairs. Martha was bouncing a giggling ozan in her lap while making funny faces, Daniel chuckled at the ongoing scene taking ozan from Martha who went to bring his breakfast.
"Looks like someone was having fun in the morning," Daniel said littering his son's face with feathery kisses. Sometimes he couldn't believe he had a son especially with the kind of relationship he has with Amy it was impossible yet here was his son smiling at him.
After doing his breakfast and feeding ozan, Daniel left for his office while baby ozan fell into a peaceful slumber during the car ride. Some days he wouldn't let anyone sleep while other days he would be sleeping all day but all in all, Daniel could say that his son was calm as long as he was with him. One thing was sure he was quite a charmer, no one could walk past him without talking about his cuteness. Reaching his office, Daniel as usual went to his private elevator clutching a sleeping ozan close to his chest while nodding at some of his employees. Lance following him carrying his briefcase and baby bag. As soon as he reached his floor, he saw a troubled looking Ashton standing outside his office pacing back and forth.
"Ashton," Daniel called out to him making him stop in his tracks and rush towards him.
"Good morning Sir," he greeted nervously.
"What's the matter, why are you pacing like that," Daniel asked while signalling Lance who placed the bags on Ashton's Desk and left nodding at his boss.
"Sir there is someone who wants to meet you," He replied.
"Is it in my schedule to meet someone today? " Daniel asked raising his brows.
"No sir he came without an appointment, in fact, he is waiting for you in your office."
"What the hell Ashton, how can you let someone in my office without asking permission," Daniel whispered yelled.
"I am sorry sir, but he wouldn't budge" Ashton replied apologetically.
"Do you work for me or him, " he retorted.
"Sir, I -i."
Ashton crouched his head down. Daniel shook his head rubbing Ozan's back.
"Here take Ozan to my cabin from the side door and be there with him until I come to check on him," Daniel muttered angrily handing over Ozan to Ashton who ever so gently took him in his hold.
"Yes sir," he quickly obeyed.
"Remember a single act of negligence on him and you will pay it with not only your job but with your life," Daniel stated in a cold tone giving him a stern glare. Without wasting any minute Ashton nodded quickly in fear and slowly walked towards Daniels cabin holding baby ozan like his own breath. Daniel glanced at his office wondering who had the nerve and audacity to come unannounced and without permission to his office.