When We Were Perfect - Chapter 63 - CHAPTER 63

Chapter 63 – CHAPTER 63
"I already told you I like her a lot. It started when she came to live with us after graduating, I enjoyed her company although she is more like a tomboy but I couldn't deny the attraction I felt for her,I never even felt that for Amy. It was wrong because I was with Amy at that time so I ignored my feelings but every time they seem to grow even more to a point where I was ready to confess them to Nadia. It was the same day Ayla died when I was going to end this so-called relationship with Amy and continue our lives as friends. Sadly it couldn't happen and then you know the turn of events and me going to Antalya!" On the last word, he clicked his tongue with a sheepish smile but Daniel remained unbothered because he himself stopped Tolga from further search giving Silas a chance to come back.
"So I as was saying when I planned to run away, I confessed my feelings to Nadia and told her everything from top to bottom and why I was running away. She was reluctant and finally admitted that she too felt the same liking but didn't wanted to ruin Amy and my relationship. Long story short we bonded over face times and long calls in fact she was the one who insisted me to return!" Silas revealed, he could hide all these things but he never kept a secret from Daniel before and he didn't preferred doing it now. He felt a burden release from his shoulders after all things were disclosed. Daniel sat there still staring at him with a blank face but deep down he was happy for Silas that he found happiness and his match in life. It was evident from his smile when Nadia's name rolled off his tongue, Daniel would admit that he saw the signs earlier when he noticed them together in Silas office and the fact that they lived in the same house and we're cousins, they were often smiling and talking chirpily with another but he like everyone brushed it off. At least someone was getting the love they wanted and deserved.
"Cat got your tongue brother!" Silas asked waving his hand in front of his face, snapping him out of his thoughts. Daniel leaned forward in his chair and threw an amused look his way.
"I was just absorbing the fact that Nadia an intellectual girl and hardworking girl fell for an idiot like you!"
"You wounded me brother but I am not an idiot!" Silas huffed placing a hand on his chest, his nose still had scratch marks and his left cheek was a bit swollen.
"I am happy for you Silas and as much as you say you are confused with your feelings, I know you already love her, I can see it and you should confess it to her soon because, in the end, all we need is to love and be loved!" Daniel muttered in a soft tone making Silas feel sad for him inwardly.
"Are you a love counsellor now!" He said trying to change the topic.
"No! But I know how it is to be in love!" Daniel replied flipping his laptop. Silas so badly wanted to comfort and hug him, take away that sadness and exhaustion from him.
"Enough of these lovey-dovey things, tell me where is my nephew!" Silas asked hoisting himself up from the desk.
"At home with Martha, we have an important meeting today so I wanted him to stay at home besides I will leave early today!" Daniel replied checking his emails.
"Where was Amy? doesn't she look after him at all!" Silas asked offended at how she had abandoned his son. Daniel paused for a while before responding.
"She is in Ankara for her case but she wouldn't bother looking after Ozan even if she was here!" Silas opened his mouth to say something when Ashton knocked on the door and entered inside.
"Mr Saritas! It's time for the meeting!" He informed.
"Okay! We will be there Ashton!" Daniel replied standing from his chair and shutting his laptop. Ashton nodded and left.
"Let's get this meeting started and welcome you onboard again Silas!" Daniel said walking towards the door straightening his suit.
"With pleasure boss!" Silas replied with a smile following him.
The door of the meeting room opened as Daniel walked in with an aura that screamed that he was the boss. Everyone greeted him as he sat on the chair at the start of the table and Silas sat beside him. Murmurs started to fill in the room as everyone felt shocked seeing Silas return after such a long time. No one knew why he left in the first place.
"So, as everyone knows we have opened a new branch of our company in New York and I asked everyone to get a review and share the strategically points on that!" Daniel started in a cold and stern voice.
"Mr Saritas! people trust our company enough to invest in blindly but this is an entirely new thing for us as this branch mainly deals with automobile manufacturing. So far there hasn't been any major issue but some administration problems were reported from there. There's a need for someone to handle those matters!"The head of the managing department informed.
"I agree with him, we do need someone to handle and oversee certain aspects there!" Silas butted in the conversation.
"Then why don't you go there, Mr Silas! you like staying away from this company for months!" Samantha one of the assistant managers said in a snarky tone.
"Is he accountable to you for his leave of absence" Daniel snapped as she jumped at his voice.
"So-sorry Sir! I was just saying that it will be better for him to go there!" She stuttered. Silas felt bad for her.
"I think it will be better for you to go there and look over everything for a while Mr Saritas. No one can handle things the way you do!" Mr Altan, the senior manager replied. Daniel nodded involuntarily, thinking how he could leave for New York with Ozan and what about Amy. These things could take six months to a year.
"What do you all say!" Daniel asked with a stoic posture.
"Sir, I think there is nothing to disagree with, you can also appoint someone as executive manager there to took over things in your absence!"The finance head commented.
" I too support this idea!" Silas said professionally.
"Okay! Give me some time to think about it meanwhile Mr Altan get your team to work harder for the release of our new project. This meeting is over!" With that, Daniel stood from his seat and walked out of the room with Silas as usually behind him.
"Are you going to think over it!" Silas asked entering the elevator with him.
"I don't think I have an option but I will take some time to ponder over it. I am not alone now, I have ozan to look after besides Amy is also my responsibility!" He replied with unsettled thoughts. Pressing the number of Silas floor.
"Aren't you going to your office!" Silas muttered looking at him, Daniel shook his head sighing.
"Yes, I am going back after dropping you on your floor. Get back to work Mister, you aren't here for gossips!" Daniel said sternly making him pout. The elevator reached his floor and pinged. Daniel motioned him to walk out.
"I am expecting you to complete your work by time and report to me!"
"I hate when you act all bossy!" Silas uttered stomping out of the elevator towards his office with a pout.. Daniel stifled himself from chuckling as he punched the number of his floor on the screen.