When We Were Perfect - Chapter 70 - CHAPTER 70

Chapter 70 – CHAPTER 70
The sun was rising indicating the start of a new day but for Amy, it felt like the start of her doom. She didn't know for how long she sat in Silas living room frozen until realizing that she needed to leave. Her emotions were all over the place while driving and at one point she didn't even know where to go. Finally, she came to her mother's house, she couldn't go back to Daniel after all the revelations.
Tossing the keys on the table and shrugging off the striped jacket she was wearing, she slumped on the sofa. Burying her face into her palms, trying to breathe.
"You disappointed me, Amy!" Vahide's sad tone reached her ears as she turned around to see her mother standing near the couch watching her with disappointment and hurt. No, not again with the same emotions.
"Don't call me your mother Amy, I thought I raised you better but after what you did I am questioning myself that where did I go wrong!" She chided, making Amy confused.
"Silas called me asking to keep you away from Daniel. After much pestering, he told me everything." Vahide said hurt and anger evident in her voice.
"Mom! Why is everyone blaming me!" She cried now that everything was clear as day to everyone.
"I am also shocked and hurt, I didn't even know he loved me all along!!"
"For a moment I agree with this Amy, but does it justify your behaviour with Daniel and especially Ozan. Does it justify that you married him for a selfish reason, treated him like he wasn't anything and above all Amy Moretti, you abandoned your son? What was his fault to even begin with?" Vahide shouted, her breath now coming in gasps.
Amy instantly rushed to her side.
"Mom! We will talk about this later, please don't stress, it will affect your health!" Amy begged, making her sit on the sofa.
"Stay away from me!" Vahide said, yanking her hands away.
"You had been lying to me all along and he always covered up for you. I should have understood the day when I saw how distant you were with Daniel when Ozan was born and you asked to take him away for your rest!" Vahide muttered angrily, rubbing her temples. Amy stood there staring at her mother, she never talked to her this way. Was she really to be blamed alone?
"Why Amy, why did you do this, to yourself to Daniel. He loved you!"
Vahide asked with tears in her eyes not believing that her daughter could be this cruel.
"Then why didn't you all say that before, that he loves me. You, Silas and even Daniel. !" Amy exclaimed.
"He asked me not to Amy because he wanted you to be happy with the person you loved. He was afraid that he would lose this friendship with you, that he would lose you, Amy. It was evident in his eyes whenever he looked at you, the intense emotions, the longing. He didn't deserve what you did to him, he didn't deserve to be ignored, used and tossed aside. Even if you weren't willing to love him, you should have respected those years of friendship but I heard you even broke that." Vahide spat at Amy who ducked her head down.
"Mom, I…." She was at a loss of words herself.
"I used to be proud of you Amy but you broke my pride, Amy. I don't even know whether to pity you or slap you!" Vahide said hurtfully.
"I am sorry!" That's the only thing her mind processed.
"Don't be. It's not me you should apologise to!"
"Mom, what's happening? I didn't want any of these things to happen!" She whimpered.
"You brought it upon yourself, Amy. I hope you didn't lose him!" She spat and strode inside her bedroom, slamming the door behind her making Amy flinch. She waited for the tears to fall but there were none as she slumped on the floor hugging her knees thinking about events that occurred overnight, events that changed the perspective of everything she saw.
A fifteen-year-old Amy was playing basketball with her friend when some snooty class fellows of her came behind.
"Do you see Amy Moretti playing basketball! Looks like someone is trying to lose weight!" Rebecca, the bitch said.
"I would do the same if I was in her place. I pity her being the dumbo of school. No boy even looks at her!" Samy said curling her hair with her finger.
Amy's nostrils flared listening to them, throwing the football aside as she went to them.
"At least I am not a slut like you who goes around parading her body!" Amy sneered. Her friend came behind.
Rebecca lunged forward only to be stopped by Samy.
"Don't waste your energy on her. You know what Amy, even Silas, your sister's friend who flirts with everyone around doesn't even look at you!" She spat the insult at her making Rebecca laugh.
"Yeah! Even he doesn't compliment her!" She said, strolling towards the exit. On the other hand, Amy's friend was trying to calm her knowing her feisty behaviour,
"What if he becomes my boyfriend then what will you do huh!" A hit headed Amy said.
"That day will never come and even if it happens maybe I will apologize to you in front of the whole class and even stop calling you dumbo!" Rebecca laughed while walking out with Samy leaving Amh and her friend alone.
"Amy why do you get involved with her, you know she likes to tease and bitch about everyone!" Her friend said picking up the basketball.
"I didn't start that but I will surely end this!" Amy said roughly, taking the basketball from her friend and resuming her game. Her friend looked at her uncertain but even then Amy was known for her stubbornness and feisty self and she was sure that she will keep her words, how even Amy didn't knew but the determined glint was evident in her eyes.
After that day, she went to Daniel like she always did whenever she was troubled and told him that Silas should treat her like a girl not as a child although she didn't let out the whole dating Silas thing. Days went by and Silas treated her like her friend and Amy received a lot of compliments from him which she never did before although she knew Silas nature but like another teenager she fell for it, taking it in another sense and soon she proposed to Silas (who was oblivious that his friendly and flirty nature would cost him such an unexpected relation and who treated Amy like his friend )in front of the whole school and Silas out of respect accepted that.
Flashback ends…….
Saritas Residence.
Daniel walked inside Ozan's nursery to see him still asleep.
Martha on the other hand looked ready to droop but seeing Daniel's face her eyes went wide. From his rosy face to glossy eyes.
"Master! "
"Martha, go back to your room! I am here with Ozan!" He said in a monotone leaving no room for argument. Martha worriedly nodded before strolling out of the room. Daniel stared at his sleeping son who looked like an angel. Despite everything around, he was beyond grateful to have Ozan in his life and at that moment seeing his son he reached a decision. He was going to live his life for his son, for his happiness. Now all that will matter to him was Ozan, he was going to forget everything and move on with his life. Enough of this crying. He had to live this life, letting go of everything that made him weak. He is Daniel Saritas, the ruthless person who never succumbs to weakness and now he had to make himself strong for his son, building his walls up once again to survive this heartache.
He went to his crib to see his little boy all bundled up. He gently picked him up and sat on the rocking chair beside the crib, laying him against his broad chest. He felt a certain pang staring at the sight of the same black hair his son had. Making him remember all that he went through, he held him tightly as the pain became too unbearable, he felt as if his emotions were shredded to pieces until there was nothing left. It was like a constant tug on his heart, he closed his eyes letting the tears fall freely. He ran his hand through his son's hair. His tiny heartbeat beating against his larger one lulling him to sleep. He smiled sadly before whispering.
"It's just you and me, my son but I promise to be by your side. We will get through this and live happily with each other. We are enough for each other!"
Though he wanted Ozan to have his mothers love too but maybe it was in their destiny to live without that.