When We Were Perfect - Chapter 76 - CHAPTER 76

Chapter 76 – CHAPTER 76
You being near to me, still
You being my hope, still
You being my feeling, but still…
You are not mine.
This is my grievance, don't know why.
The black escalade made its way on the road, navigating towards the runway. Soon it reaches the destination, the guards at the gate after security check opens the gate nodding at the man inside the car. The car drives up to the plane where Ashton was standing beside the pilot.
Daniel stepped out of the car with the same strong aura, holding Ozan in his arms who gave a wide gummy grin seeing the plane..
The driver starts taking out his stuff from the boot and helping the staff loading it on the plane.
"Morning Mr Saritas, it's good to see you again!" The pilot greets with a handshake.
"Thank you, Mark, should we board!"
"Yes, we will be taking off in a few minutes!" The pilot said moving aside to let him enter first. Daniel nodded, stepping inside the plane with Martha and Ashton behind. They both went to sit at the back seats while Daniel sat in the middle chair, settling Ozan in his lap carefully and buckling his belt.
A stewardess walks in.
"Morning Mr Saritas! Would you like something to drink?" She asks in a professional manner.
"Thanks, not right now!" Daniel replies dismissing her.
"This is your captain Mark here, we are going to take off in a few minutes for Istanbul, Turkey. Please fasten your seatbelts and make sure that your electronic devices are turned off." The pilot announced and after fifteen minutes they were in the sky. Daniel bundled up Ozan in his lap who was clapping when he saw the sky and clouds.
"Daddy cwouds!" Ozan muttered amazed by the scene, pointing his little fingers at the window. Daniel chuckled, happy to see his son enjoying the ride instead of becoming fussy as many children do.
"Isn't it amazing!" Daniel muttered but Ozan was too busy admiring the scene to listen. Daniel rubbed his head, smoothing his soft hairs. Deep down there was an antsy feeling in his heart as he thought about his home. There weren't many happy memories left there apart from Ozan and he didn't want to face any turmoil again. He didn't know where Amy was or what she was doing now, although Neil and Saim were still with her but he didn't ask them about any details. No, it took him a lot of time to accept certain things and he wasn't going to think about anything related to his marriage or about Amy.
After a ten hour-long flight they finally landed in Istanbul. By the time Ozan was asleep, Daniel's back was sore at this point as he grunted walking down the aisle holding Ozan close. Stepping on the land, he took a deep breath, it was already nighttime in Istanbul.
"Master, let me take him to the car, you have been holding him for a long time. Stretch your muscles for a while." Martha urged, reaching out her hand for Ozan.
"It's okay Martha, I am not that tired. Just bring his bag and sit in the car. I will be there in a minute."
Martha begrudgingly nodded before walking to the waiting Range Rover.
After talking with Ashton for a moment and thanking the pilot, Daniel went to his car.
"Welcome back Sir!" Noah greeted him with a smile opening the car door.
"Thanks, Noah!" Daniel replied with a nod settling inside his car.
After the ride home, Martha forcefully took Ozan away from Daniel to his nursery asking him to freshen up and take some rest. The house was already cleaned by the maids and everything was in place, the kitchen restocked, swimming pool and garden cleaned as if he never left in the first place. Daniel made a mental note to praise Martha later for managing everything. Even his room was the same as he entered looking around it but then his eyes paused on the familiar photo frame that was neatly placed on the nightstand. Before his mind could rush back to any antsy thoughts, he walked towards it and without a second thought placed it in the drawer.
'No, you got this Daniel!' his mind consoled him.
There was some feeling in his mind that she might still be living here but why would she. He did a huge favour on her by going away and releasing her from this obligation, it was for the better to part ways than to linger on one-sided love.
Taking shower and checking on Ozan, Daniel drifted to the much-needed sleep after such an exhausting flight hoping that everything will be smooth from now on, only if he knew.
The next day rolled in and despite Martha's urge to take a day off and rest, Daniel went to his company. Ozan was quite sleepy today. Maybe he was still exhausted so he decided to let him stay at home with Martha. Everyone at the office started to greet and welcome him as soon as he stepped inside, many congratulated him for the success of their new branch. Daniel said thanks to everyone tonelessly. He was relieved that Silas wasn't waiting for him with confetti and red carpet but he was proved wrong the moment he entered his office.
"WELCOME BACK!!!" a shrill sound reached his ear along with the confetti that was now scattered everywhere on the floor and some on his shirt and hair too. Daniel sighed and started ahead, there was his idiot friend with his dramatic smile beside Nadia who was smiling while shaking her head. Ashton was also standing at the side uncomfortably, Daniel he wasn't at fault.
"Sir, I…" he started.
"It's okay Ashton, leave it for now and ask the help to clean my office later!"
"Okay, Sir!" Ashton replied with a sigh of relief walking out.
Before he could turn towards the other two people, he was engulfed in a tight hug, catching him off guard.
"I missed you so much!" Silas said sniffing.
"Silas, for God sake let him take a breath!" Nadia chided, giving Daniel a sorry look.
"It's okay Nadia, I really did miss seeing this drama queen here," Daniel responded, patting his back.
"Instead of saying I missed you too, you are calling me a drama queen!" Silas frowned, giving a hurt expression.
"By the way, you look hotter with this stubble!" Silas said, touching his face. Daniel yanked his hand away.
"Are you for serious Silas, I didn't know you turned gay!"
"I am not feeling ignored here!" Nadia said, giving a glare to Silas.
"How do you cope with this idiot!" Daniel asked, hugging her.
"Don't ask me that question!" Nadia said smiling, pulling away from the hug.
"You people don't care for my emotions. As for your question, I am not gay and why would I be when I have this beautiful woman here!" Silas said, giving a peck on Nadia's cheek who in turn nudged him
Daniel stared amused at the couple.
"Then when are you getting married to this beautiful woman!" Daniel asked with a smirk. At this Silas gulped while Nadia scowled.
"Marriage!" Nadia scoffed.
"This idiot hasn't even proposed to me yet!" Nadia said, pointing a finger at his chest.
"Proposal thing is dramatic, I would directly go for marriage!"
"Says the drama queen!" Daniel mocked.
"Enough about us, you look changed, Daniel. Silas was right, you look more dashing with this stubble!" Nadia complimented.
"I was always hot and handsome Nadia!" Daniel remarked.
"Again overconfidence!" Silas said scoffing.
"Again Facts!" Daniel replied.
"Whatever, where is Ozan. I wanted to see him, he must have grown a lot!" Silas said with a frown.
"He was sleepy, so I decided to let him sleep. Besides, I am developing his habit of staying at home. It's not good for a child to grow in the office." Daniel stated.
"Here he goes again, Silas stop acting like a child. We can go and meet him later at his house. Daniel is right, he deserves to grow up in a homely environment!" Nadia retorted, hitting him in the shoulder. Not only did she look like a tomboy with her boyish haircut but she also acted like one.
"Stop hitting me woman, I am not made up of porcelain!" Silas muttered, rubbing his chest.
"A perfect match, I might say!" Daniel said with a smirk adoring the dramatic couple in front of him.
"Since you are here Daniel, why don't we go and grab some coffee from the new cafe a few blocks away!" Silas said in an excited tone.
"No, I have a lot of things to catch up with!"
"Please Daniel, I am sure you can give us half an hour from your time. It's been a year!" Nadia pleaded.
"And no further excuses, you should be at home resting considering you came back yesterday but still you are here and not having a cup of coffee with your friends is not a fair thing!" Silas chided.
"I agree!" Nadia retorted, folding her arms. Daniel stared at them with a thinking face.
"Fine, for half an hour!" He agreed.
"Oh come on now, you can continue your boring work later Mr Workaholic. We are coming coffee and cream rolls" Silas grinned running out as Nadia and Daniel followed him with a chuckle. Sometimes he felt truly blessed to have such people as an intimate part of his life…