When We Were Perfect - Chapter 77 - CHAPTER 77

Chapter 77 – CHAPTER 77
There is someone in my eyes
Whose face is the same as yours
Was it your eyes or
Was it your talks the reason
That you became a desire of my heart….
Daniel was standing on the bridge, enjoying the soft breeze that drifted across his hair and face. The whole scene was enough to calm his nerves whenever he was stressed or troubled. This place was the only thing he missed the most being away.
'You missed her too!' His subconscious reminded him. Daniel shrugged the thought away not wanting to disturb his peace of mind..
'I have missed her but now I am coming to terms with my reality!' He whispered to himself. He wanted to be firm on this thought that nothing was going to trouble him and disturb the peace he is building around him.
'I wish it was easy to think that what seemed forever was just a moment.' Daniel's mind wandered as he gazed ahead at the
On the other hand,
Amy climbed out of her car walking towards the lake bridge still in her courtroom attire. Black dress pants with matching blazer, looking sophisticated as always. For a year she has been trying to cope with the guilt stored in her heart but with each passing day, it tends to increase more like a never-ending burden has been placed on her shoulders. She was changed, everyone around her said the same, no longer the rude and stubborn person but still confident and poised in her cases. Guess it took the wrong turn of events to turn her bad and then even worse to shake her back. Reconsidering herself and what she had been really added more guilt to the plate, she even began to hate her but then again hating oneself doesn't negate what has been done. The best thing was to refine herself and her flaws, the first thing being done was to consider others opinions too and let go of her stubbornness for once. It was the most difficult thing for her. Even Talia and Kevin were surprised to see such a sudden change but that didn't mean she wasn't easy going in the courtroom. Just changed her attitude towards others.
Vahide was still the same with her, only talking to her when needed. It hurt Amy but she knew she had disappointed everyone around her, even herself. Some days she would go back to Daniel's home, seeing Ozan's baby album, reading Daniel's scrapbook again and again realizing how much she had missed in her life. No matter how much she wanted to go and live there, she couldn't with the guilt and ache lingering everywhere around the lonely house. She would sometimes even call Silas to ask about Daniel and Ozan, the only response was they were fine, nothing else. The only thing left for her was to wait, hoping that it wasn't too late for her to repent.
Walking towards the lake, she remembered the first time Daniel brought her here.
A fifteen-year-old Daniel was studying in the library when Amy came to sit beside him with a frown.
"Daniel, what are you doing here?" Amy asked in a low voice.
"Playing poker, tesoro what do you think we do in a library!" Daniel said with a smile still focused on his project.
Amy rolled her eyes. "But I want to go to the park today and mom won't allow me to be there alone!"
"Take Ayla or Silas with you!" Daniel replied nonchalantly.
"Ayla also has an assignment and Silas said he had his stupid video game match!" Amy responded, trying to close his book.
"Tesoro, this is an important project. I will go some other time!" Daniel said with a pleading expression on his face, concentrating again on his work. Amy being stubborn huffed in response but then an idea clicked in her mind. Grabbing her water bottle from the bag, she poured some of the cold water on Daniel's jacket.
"TESORO WHAT DID YOU DO….." Daniel shouted with an incredulous expression.
"Mr Saritas, out of this library right now!" The old library assistant said with an irritated expression. Some of the students sitting around started snickering. Daniel looked in disbelief at Amy but nevertheless walked out of the library with his dripping jacket. Amy right behind him snickering giving him some tissues.
Daniel rolled his eyes, not taking it.
"I thought best friends are there to help and support you, not get you kicked out of the library and then laugh at them!" Daniel said scowling.
"No, idiot best friends are there to laugh at you and give you the harsh reality!" Amy snorted.
Daniel says nothing in return and keeps walking.
"Fine! I am sorry Daniel but I was really getting bored being crammed inside my room for one whole week because of the fever and now not being able to play or spend time with anyone!" Amy said stepping in front of him making him halt his steps and glared at her but his eyes immediately softened seeing her pout with her puppy dog eyes. This always worked on him.
"Fine! Next time I won't talk to you if you pull out such a stunt!" Daniel said with a sassy tone.
"I promise I will not but now let's go to the park!" Amy said with her usual melting smile.
"No! Follow me. I have an even better place to show you!" Daniel said striding out of the school building towards the backside. Amy was confused but still ran after him happily, trying to keep up with his pace.
Soon he stops at a small clearing with a lake and an old wooden bridge. Amy still panting couldn't keep up with her steps and falls on his back making them tumble to the ground panting.
Seeing the proximity, Daniel blushes while Amy laughs.
They continue to pant and laugh until they calm down.
"This place is so beautiful Daniel!" Amy mutters sitting on the ground staring at the clouds and lake lined with small lilies. The whole scene was so refreshing as Amy got lost in it not looking at Daniel who was staring intently at her.
"Yes! It is but now it looks more beautiful to me with you in the picture!" Daniel said with a blush. Amy started laughing at him.
"You are such a cliche person sometimes Daniel!"
"Only for you tesoro!" Daniel mumbled chuckling.
Flashback ends.
Amy sadly smiled remembering the vivid memory as she continued to walk near the bridge but she stopped seeing the figure of someone standing on the bridge looking intently into the water as if ready to jump into it.
All the air squeezed out of her lungs as her heartbeat skyrocketed.
There he was, his best friend whom she loved to talk about everything and anything. Who was his husband and father of his child standing there in his usual office attire, his back muscles more prominent than his face which was turned to the right.
Her insides started shaking, hands began to tremble as she curled them into fists trying to stop herself from hyperventilating. Her eyes stung with tears as she shakily took a step forward.
He was so close to her, yet she wasn't ready to face him. Afraid of his reaction, afraid of rejection. How ironic this was her turn to be afraid of rejection and the future.
"D-Daniel…!" She muttered standing a few feet away from him but she saw how his relaxed muscles stiffened, recognizing her voice. His steely blue eyes flickered towards her and Amy felt breathless at the moment.
He was different this time, a light stubble was present on his face. He stared at her, his dark grey-blue orbs boring into her hazel ones, his face morphed into countless expressions. He looked surprised no he was shocked, afraid, disappointed, pained. He was looking strong yet weak and broken.
'I broke him' Amy chanted inside her head.
He stood still not even blinking his eyes, the overwhelming emotions in his eyes were unmeasurable.
Amy opened her mouth to speak, tongue curling into the shape of justification but then waves of realization came rushing to her remaining her that which of her bitter action will she justify.
She bowed her head unable to look him in the eye, feeling numb and unable to utter a single word. She never felt this helpless in her life before, unable to do anything.
But then finally mustering some courage, she looked up with glistening eyes to stare at him.
Daniel blinked, swallowing the lump in his throat, biting his dry lips.
He let out a humourless pained chuckle, shaking his head.
'I am sorry, forgive me!' Amy wanted to say but her own voice failed her.
He placed his hands on his hip, taking a deep breath mumbling something to himself as if trying to calm his nerves
Tear after tear fell from her eyes until she felt like running to him and embracing him, why was she such a fool to ruin everything back then.