When We Were Perfect - Chapter 80 - CHAPTER 80

Chapter 80 – CHAPTER 80
I got minutes of happiness and tons of sorrow
Whenever I tried to fill water within my palms
Then I won't get anything else…..
"Sir, these are the documents you asked for!"
Ashton said, placing a yellow file on his table. Without glancing at him, Daniel continued to stare at his laptop sifting through some emails and business proposals.
"You can leave!" He said. Ashton nodded leaving his large office, closing the door behind him.
He was still engrossed in his work when the office door opened dramatically and in came Silas.
"Here are the finance reports bro!" He informed, softly throwing them on the desk.
"I thought you were going to complete them next week!" Daniel said, raising his thick brow, looking between him and the file.
"Yeah but then I remembered I have a date with Nadia this weekend, so I decided to complete it early!"
Silas spoke sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk and propping his feet on the desk earning a glare from Daniel.
"Get your feet off my desk!" Daniel retorted sternly.
"You are no fun!" Silas responded, rolling his eyes and placing his feet back on the floor. Daniel rolled his eyes concentrating on his work.
"Anyway, I came here to ask you for some advice!"
"About what?" Daniel asked, staring at him.
"Actually, I want to propose to Nadia this weekend!" Silas said scratching the back of his head.
"Weren't you the one to say that proposals are overrated?" Daniel mocked.
"I still say the same but she isn't going to agree without one!"
"And what advice could I possibly give you on this!" Daniel asked curiously.
"Well, do you think I am rushing it or I should wait some more time before marriage!" Silas asked with what can be said an intense look.
"Silas we are not teenagers anymore but thirty years old. Seeing you both together I can say that you guys are perfect for each other and when she talked about marriage during our coffee break it's clear she wants to marry you. You have already taken Aunt Kyla's blessing and confessed your feelings to each other, what else are you looking for." Daniel stated with a small smile.
Silas grinned.
"Maybe that's what I wanted to hear!"
"Glad to know I could help besides if an intelligent girl like Nadia can stick with a doofus like you then she is definitely a keeper, don't let this chance slip away!" Daniel said sarcastically.
Silas rolled his eyes before studying him for a moment.
"What now?" Daniel says annoyed by his staring.
"Nothing! Just thinking that if you weren't the richest person in this country then you would have been an excellent relationship counsellor!" Silas said chuckling.
"I am not a counsellor just asking you to man up and marry!"
"Why do you always bring my masculinity into question. Maybe I should show you my genital for my confirmation." Silas said wiggling brows leaning back on the chair.
"Silas let me do my work, I have no interest in seeing your impaler!" Daniel said turning his attention back to the laptop.
"It's not an impaler!" Silas gasped, opening his zip but accidentally slicing a bit of his skin finger.
"Oiiii!" Silas shrieked looking at the blood drop.
"God save Nadia!" Daniel said chuckling, pulling out a first aid kit from the drawer and handing him.
"You aren't supposed to laugh like that!" Silas said with a scowl dabbing his finger with cotton as Daniel shook his head, a smile still on his face. The ring of Daniel's phone interrupting their moment.
"It's Martha!" Daniel said looking at the screen.
"Put her on speaker, I want to hear Ozan's voice," Silas uttered forgetting about his finger.
Daniel did, answering the call but before he could say anything Martha's quivering voice reached out.
"Martha!" Daniel said panicked.
"Mas-master, Ozan isn't breathing properly, I am taking him to the hospital. He vomited a while ago and there was blood in it. Please come soon!" Martha informed as her tone wavered in the end.
Her voice was reaching his ears but his brain was unable to process it. His blood ran cold, his heart skipping a beat as he tried to breathe. The colour on his face drained, luckily Silas rushed to his side taking the phone seeing his friend to respond.
"We are on our way Martha, don't worry. Just stay with him!" Silas said, ending the call and shaking Daniel.
"Daniel, try to stabilise yourself. Ozan needs us!" Silas said pulling his friend up from his chair and ushering him outside his office into the elevator, this seemed to bring Daniel back to his state as he sprinted out of the elevator as soon as it opened. The people staring at him confused as he dashed towards his car with Silas behind.
Every minute was a torture for Daniel as they reached the hospital. They hopped out of the car as soon as they arrived and ran into the five-floor hospital building.
"Ozan Saritas!" Daniel breathed reaching the reception area making the nurse yelp.
"Right this way Mr Saritas!" She said as they both followed her up an elevator and finally into the hallway dashing to the ER room where Martha was waiting outside sitting on the bench. As soon as she saw them approaching, she abruptly stood from her seat, concern written on her face.
"Where is he? What happened? Is he okay!!!" Daniel fired his question rapidly at her in a single breath.
"He is in ICU, the doctors are running some tests on him. They haven't said anything as of now!" She informed him with a sad expression.
Daniel's heartbeat accelerated astronomically as he braced himself on the wall, taking deep breaths, eyes brimming with tears. Silas beside him clamps his shoulder firmly.
'Why out of all people Ozan, his little boy!' His thoughts going back in the morning, he was waving at him happily as he left for office with a promise to come home soon.
Moments passed but there was no update, frustration was bubbling up inside Daniel, they weren't even letting him see Ozan, all they told him was to wait but it was now getting on his nerves.
Minutes later a nurse came out, Daniel stepped in blocking her path.
"What's happening inside?" He asked in a calm yet coercing tone.
"Mr Saritas, I already told you to w—-"
"Don't you dare tell me to wait again, this is what I have been doing for the past four without knowing how my son is!!!!!" Daniel yelled, making the nurse gulp in fright.
"We-we a-are stabilizing his breathing but he isn't conscious yet!" The nurse said, sweat covering her forehead under his threatening glance.
"What the fuck do you mean, he isn't conscious, if something happened to him, I will make this GODDAMN hospital shut and make you all jobless!!!!" Daniel growled the nurse stepped back.
"Daniel dont yell at her, let them do what they have to, brother!" Silas said, grabbing his elbow but his gaze didn't falter.
"Ye-s sir, give us a few minutes, the doctor will be here to inform you soon!" She stammered before quickly moving out.
Daniel yanked his elbow away from his hold pacing back and forth in the way, raking his hand through his light brown hair.
Silas stood shocked at his outburst although he didn't show it yet he never saw Daniel yell at someone with such a menacing gaze and tone. His tone was always calm even when he was angry, he made sure to deliver his message through that calm yet warning tone. But this time he could see his friend burning with frustration and tension. He too was worried first for Ozan and now for Daniel too as he seemed to burn down the building. Even Martha was surprised to see his outburst.
Daniel took a deep breath, trying to calm his raging mind and anxious heart but to no avail. How did these people expect him to calm down when his little son was in ICU in God knows what condition, he wasn't even conscious yet. Million negative thoughts were rushing in and out of his mind as he tried to dodge them, dreading every possibility.
He looked at the door, swearing to destroy everything around if the doctor didn't come out soon.
It was like God answered his prayer, as the door opened and a middle-aged doctor walked out removing his mask.
Daniel rushed to him.
"How is my son? Can I see him?" Daniel asked anxiously, staring behind him. The doctor looked nervously at him as if whatever he was going to say wasn't good, not saying anything for a second. Seeing this Silas stood closely with Daniel who's own heartbeat wasn't stable. Martha stood behind at a distance waiting to hear any news that Ozan was fine.
"Mr Saritas! Please come with me to my office!" The doctor said with an edgy voice.