When We Were Perfect - Chapter 82 - CHAPTER 82

Chapter 82 – CHAPTER 82
These dreams are a mirage
There is no question or answer
Somewhere it got scattered in the distance
The joy that was there to meet you…..
Daniel stared at his fragile son who was still unconscious. It's been two days but there has been no improvement in his state. If at all, he was looking weaker. His cheeks were no longer chubby, his face was pale as he lay there on the hospital bed, the only indication that he was alive was his chest lightly heaving up and down. A lone tear fell from Daniel's eye seeing him this way, he quickly wiped it away and strode outside the room not being able to take in the scene. Bracing himself on the wall outside his room, he tried to steady himself.
Dr Bursin walked towards the room only to see Daniel outside looking miserable. He could understand his state, how it felt to see your child suffering and withering every day.. He had seen countless cases where parents lost their children or saw them suffer for a long time before their child eventually got stable. He moved towards him.
"Why isn't he conscious yet!" Daniel asked the first thing.
"We are trying our best Mr Saritas, you need to wait!"
"Wait and see my son getting weak every day!!!" Daniel suddenly raised his voice, nearing the doctor.
"His body has his own mind, we are administering medicines into his body to remove the infection. He will be conscious when his body finds it appropriate, it's better for him to have a rest." The doctor said nervously, his menacing glare was not helping at all and he didn't wanted to get jobless, he knew how much resources Daniel Saritas had. At one moment he would be begging to save his son and the very next he would be ready to kill him.
"I am sorry Doctor, he is just worried!" Silas said coming behind him and patting his shoulder. The doctor gave a quick glance at him and nodded before entering the room to check Ozan. As the door closed, Silas turned to Daniel and he cringed seeing his state, he looked like hell. The bags were prominent under his eyes due to lack of sleep, hairs wet and messed up showing that he just took a shower at least since he refused to leave the hospital for a minute, Martha had to bring his things here.
"Daniel I know it's not easy but calm yourself down a bit, I don't want you to get admitted to this hospital too!" Daniel clenched his fists, trying to calm his mind and sat on the nearby bench, raking his hands through his damped hair.
Silas couldn't believe that he just left for a few hours to handle some matters in the office since Daniel wasn't in any state to deal with business. He then went home to take a shower and get some rest because one of them should be attentive and unlike Daniel, he doesn't have a high anti sleeping capacity.
"At least take a rest for a while, Daniel, you haven't slept for two days!" Silas exclaimed in a pleading tone standing near him.
"For the last time, No!" Daniel said in a dismissive tone. No matter how much he tried, he wasn't able to even take a nap, how could he when Ozan was in such a state, he knew his mind was going to shut down soon.
"You look like a zombie!" Silas said trying to lighten him a bit but Daniel didn't even responded, he continued to glare at the wall with his blood-red eyes. Silas was going to sit beside him when he saw a figure approaching them making his eyes widen as he gulped, glancing between the incoming disaster and Daniel.
"Uhm bro, I think you should go and check O-ozan!" Silas said quickly, trying to get him away. He wasn't himself these days, it wouldn't be wrong to say that he was beyond frustrated, tired, irritated and the person could definitely trigger him.
"The doctor is checking his vital's!" Daniel replied tiredly.
"Then we should get a coffee from the canteen or soup or anything!" Silas rambled nervously, making him glance at him sternly.
"Silas! stop irritating me for a while. I am fine and not going anywhere!" Daniel retorted at the same time Silas stared behind him with a tense face. Watching this he also turned to see what was there only to freeze in his place.
Walking towards them was none other than the reason why Ozan was here in the first place, this made his rage level skyrocket, recalling the day when he asked her to feed their Ozan only to get turned down with 'My work is more important!'
To this point, he never knew he could feel such intense resentment and anger for her. It was even new to him.
She stood closer to them in black leggings and a grey sweatshirt, judging by her looks it was evident that even she didn't sleep for quite a while. Her messy bun, puffy eyes and dry face was telling that she wasn't better either.
Daniel abruptly stood from his seat throwing daggers her way, it made her flinch inwardly but this time she was ready to endure every pain if that meant getting Ozan and Daniel back. She recalled calling Silas a day ago to help him with Daniel but she wasn't expecting him to yell at her that how Ozan was in the hospital fighting for his life because of her negligence and hostility in the past, she remembered the phone falling from her hand and her breaking down, balling her eyes out for the whole night until she finally recollected herself and came to the hospital. She knew Daniel wouldn't easily allow her back into their life but she wanted to see him and especially Ozan so badly. Over the year, she had been seeing his photo album every day, memorizing every feature of his son and longing to have him back in her arms like the very first day. Gave him all the love she could with her life and he deserved it. Only if it was that easy now.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Daniel sneered with such dark eyes that can have a demon run scaredly. Amy ducked her head down not being able to cope with the fire in his eyes. It was burning her. Silas glanced between them tensely as if ready to witness an explosion, he only told her about Ozan in his outburst but he never expected her to land in the hospital at such a perfect timing when Daniel was already on the edge.
"I-I wanted to see Ozan!" She let out in a shaky voice. Daniel laughed, a dry humourless one making both Amy and Silas flinch.
"May I ask why? I don't remember Ozan having a relationship with you and I don't specifically allow strangers near him!" He asserted with so much resentment that Amy couldn't help the tears that escaped her eyes. Was it really that painful to have a taste of your own medicine but in the end what you sow, so shall you reap?
"I k-know I don't deserve to be near him but let me see him, Daniel," Amy said in a desperate tone.
"Amy! just get out of here, please just get out of our lives. We don't need you anymore. Can't you see how much you made us suffer,I never said this before but I REGRET LOVING YOU!" Daniel shouted grabbing both her arms, pushing her back with a force that she stumbled and fell on the bench startled by his outburst. Silas stepped in, clamping his arm. Thankfully there wasn't anyone in the private ward except two stunned nurses too. Daniel reserved the whole ward for Ozan.
"Daniel–" Silas muttered.
"Don't tell me you called her here!" Daniel snarled yanking his arm away.
"It wasn't intended but she happened to call at the same time we came out of the doctor's office and I just –!"
"And you couldn't keep your mouth shut!" He glared at him, making him look away.
Amy was still sitting there on the bench startled by how Daniel pushed her and shouted at her. The Daniel she grew up with wouldn't even raise a tone with her.
'You stabbed that Daniel with your hands!' Her mind shouted at her as she harshly wiped away her tears. This thing made her realise that she made him suffer beyond anything and even made Ozan a part of it.
Slowly she stood on her feet rubbing her arms which he grabbed roughly. Daniel turned towards her, this time along with anger and resentment, the hurt was also present in his bloodshot eyes.
"If anything happened to my son Amy, I swear to God above that I would haunt you down till hell!" He snarled with a menacing tone but before anyone could react, the door to Ozan's room opened revealing a nurse who stared at the three of them warily before speaking with a small smile.
"Mr Saritas your son is awake!"