When We Were Perfect - Chapter 83 - CHAPTER 83

Chapter 83 – CHAPTER 83
Chapter 83
It has drowned
The heart has sunk
Among the sea of thoughts
The river of sorrows is deep
How can I reach the shore without you?…
"If anything happened to my son Amy, I would swear to God above that I would haunt you down till hell!" Daniel snarled with a menacing tone but before anyone could react, the door to Ozan's room opened revealing a nurse who stared at them warily before speaking with a small smile.
"Mr Saritas, your son is awake!"
Daniel quietly went inside the room asking the doctor to give him a moment with his son.. He breathed trying to control his tears and rushed to Ozan who was laying on his side with half-opened eyes.
"You scared me, my baby!" Daniel whispered placing a kiss on his forehead,
"I love you so much!" He mumbled kissing his fingers mindful of the IV drip. The little boy was scared when he woke up not being able to see his father but the moment he felt Daniel's touch, he calmed down.
"Da-ddy" Ozan said in a timid and tired voice, smiling at his father.
"Yes, son! I am here!" He mumbled trying to control his tears that we're on the waterline.
"Sweepy!" Ozan whispered before his eyes closed completely.
"Ozan!" Daniel tried to shake him a little but he didn't open his eyes.
Panic surged through his body, he stood up to call the doctor but the same nurse showed up.
"My son, he is unconscious again!" Daniel breathed pointing towards Ozan. The nurse quickly went to his side and after checking his vitals, she turned to an almost pale Daniel.
"Mr Saritas, his body is still weak and tends to shut down a lot. Don't worry he is asleep!"
"But he just woke up a few minutes ago!"
"I already told you the reason, the doctor will be here to further guide you." The nurse informed him with a sympathetic smile before taking her leave.
Daniel took a long breath and sat beside Ozan, holding his little palm and planting a feathery kiss.
He looked so weak and in pain. His mouth was agape and even in his sleep, his face turned into an expression that clearly showed he was hurting. But despite everything he smiled at his father before going to sleep.
Sometimes Daniel felt that just like him Ozan kept his pain to him. He didn't know whether he should be happy or sad about this thing considering how he wasn't even two years old yet.
On the other hand, Silas was pacing outside the room waiting to go in and meet Ozan but the nurse told him he went to sleep again. Amy was still sitting on the bench taken aback by Daniel's outburst and trying to find anything to make him agree on letting her back in their life. Tears were falling freely from her eyes like a faucet running water down the sink.
Silas didn't even try to console her, it was high time she fought the battle she started for herself. Silas stopped in his tracks seeing the doctor approaching with a file in his hand. His expression wasn't pleased, instead, he had an uncertain look on his face.
"Doctor!" Silas said making him stop from entering Ozan's room, this also caught Amy's attention as she stood from her spot wiping the tears.
"Yes!" The doctor replied.
"How is he?" Silas asked quickly. At this, the doctor sighed.
"Not good, he has lost two pounds in only two days, either we stop giving him antibiotics or let him get weaker!" The doctor explained.
Amy gasped inaudibly covering her mouth listening to the doctor.
"Isn't there anything that could be done!" Silas asserted staring at the doctor who seemed to be thinking.
"Since, the artificial diet isn't helping it could have been much better if his mother was in the picture."
Silas knitted his brows at him not looking at Amy who also leaked her ears. She was here, she wanted to say.
"What does this have to do with his mother!"
"Breastfeeding is beneficial for his health. Since from the beginning, his stomach wasn't adapting to formula milk much. A mother's milk for his child is much better than the artificial feed!" The doctor enlightened.
"But Mr Saritas already told that she isn't in the picture!" The Doctor said with a sigh turning to go inside, briefing Daniel as well.
Amy's heart constricted learning that Daniel even removed her existence from their life.
'You did that yourself!' Her inner voice mocked.
Silas glanced at her, deep in thought but before anyone could either move or say something, Amy stepped closer to where Silas stood.
"Ca-can I breastfeed him now!" She said in a voice barely above a whisper, Silas gaped at her whereas the doctor who was about to turn the doorknob turned around surprised to see who she was.
"May I know who are you?" He asked glancing between her and Silas as to find out why she was willing to breastfeed someone's child.
Amy gulped before nodding her head slightly ignoring the dense look Silas was throwing his way.
"I-I am his mother!"
The doctor's expression turned into confusion, he gazed at Silas as if asking for confirmation. Silas sighed, giving a stern glance to Amy before turning to the doctor who was waiting for an answer.
"Yes! She is his mother!" Silas said although his tone was normal, Amy could feel the bitterness laced with each word.
"Well, it's a very good thing then. Do you think you can breastfeed him!" The doctor asked a bit happy.
Amy ducked her head down embarrassed to be so openly talking about it.
"I am willing to do anything that can make my son healthy and lively again, even if it costs my life!" Amy replied with tears in her eyes, licking her dry and chapped lips.
"You need to get a checkup from our physician for formalities then we will see after the first feed to where it leads. Hopefully! It will be a progressive thing in his chart. But before that, I need to brief Mr Saritas about it!"
Amy's face colour drained, she knew Daniel wouldn't let it happen easily. He would prefer any other woman willing to feed beside her. Amy opened her mouth to speak but Silas butted in.
"Dr I think you should get the physician thing done, I will brief him about it. We wouldn't want any delay now!"
The doctor looked nodded awkwardly.
"Sure! I will ask the physician to give you a thorough check-up. Excuse me!" He said glancing between them and then walking in the opposite direction of the private ward.
Silas exhaled the breath he was holding turned to Amy who also looked a bit relieved.
"I know what you are going to say that I didn't have to speak about me being his mother and all but you can't deny that I am his mother Silas. It started because of me so please let me rectify my mistakes, I would die with ache and guilt if something happened to him. Life is giving me a chance, let me do what is needed." Amy muttered with a pleading gaze.
"Wow! It took almost two years for your motherly instincts to kick in!" Silas taunted making her close her eyes in shame.
"He needs me, Silas!"
"A child always need both his parents Amy, not only did he needed you his father also does but sorry you were busy in your career," Silas said stepping away from her towards the room.
"You can say whatever you want, humiliate me in any way but please let me help my son. He needs me, if not for me then for his health Silas." Amy asserted.
"That's the reason I stopped the doctor from briefing Daniel beaches he wouldn't take it in a good way. He can arrange for any woman to breastfeed his only child but I know that it wouldn't be fair to Ozan. For Ozan's health, I am willing to do anything even if it means making Daniel agree to let you in but don't for a moment think that I am doing this for you. It's only for Ozan because that little child is already suffering and I don't want him to suffer more." Silas spat the words at her before entering the room, quietly closing the door behind not even letting her get a peek at his son.
Amy placed both her hands on her hips, she didn't know how she was going to manage it because for one Ozan might not even bear her presence and recognize her much less get comfortable with her and let her feed him. What would she say to him!
'Hey! I am your mother who didn't even glance at you more than once and never acknowledged your presence, almost rejected you and now I am back to feed you hoping you would accept me as your mother' she wanted to scoff at her.
"God please help me!" Amy whispered sending a silent prayer.