Wreck Me - Page 165

With an arched brow, she points her finger at the ring. I lift my hand, feeling my brows furrowing.
“You and him… you fit,” she says in a meek voice.
“I hope we do. We keep each other afloat. Best friends should do that.” I take another small sip. “I like you more when you’re like this.”
“Like what?”
“Not a raging bitch.”
She bursts into laughter, and Hunter walks inside, sniffing the air.
He drops on the seat next to Celine. “Sex is not on the menu if I can’t get any.”
She slaps his chest, pushing him playfully.
“I don’t understand the dynamic between you two,” I say, analyzing them then going to my room, leaving them to do their thing.
The moment my body hits the bed, I sob. I feel like I am dying inside. I have had to put myself together so many times; I resemble Frankenstein on the inside. But I do what I always do: put on a mask and go through the motions.
I have breakfast with my friends, go to classes, and have dinner with Kaden and my parents, where my mother tells me about a spring wedding. I hear myself talking, agreeing, and supporting Kaden, but I’m not there anymore. It’s like my soul left my body.
I came to accept that I can’t change a thing.
I lost Dane, and I gave up. I don’t care any longer.
The days blend together while I try to channel the strength that leaks out of my hole-riddled being. With every hour, it gets more and more difficult to stay afloat. Every breath I take, every beat my heart pumps, and every step I make hurts to the point it debilitates me. Missing him drains me of my life essence, while wanting him only prolongs my misery.
Dane and Celine are on the campus grounds together once again, chatting and seeming to get along well.
No, no. You died, heart. Stay in your comatose state, and don’t react. But how, when it’s his, and having to witness him with someone else makes me blind with jealousy? I look at my stupid engagement ring.
“How are you holding up?” Kaden asks.
“Just like you. Survival mode.”
Dane and Celine see us, and they approach us, walking side by side.
“Let’s make a bet,” Dane suggests once they reach us, his eyes boring into mine. It’s like he has the capacity to revive everything in me.
That flicker of life I thought was snuffed lights back up.
“Why would I?” I ask, wanting more of this feeling of being alive.
“Afraid of losing?”
“Never,” I say.
“If I win against you, I will spend a night with you,” Dane says.
“Keep dreaming.” I get in his face, challenging him so he can do the same.
Save me, love. I don’t know if I can do this on my own.
“If Kaden wins, I’ll leave. If he loses, you already know what happens.”
“Fine, deal.”
“Abi,” Kaden says, and I plead with my eyes to give me this. He shakes his head at me, letting me know he disapproves, but nods.